Hi Eln, Sorry to hear the repair didn last as long a you hoped, my 25 year old son has had quite a few surgeries since his first when he was 10 days old. I know how guting it can feel when more intervenions are needed MUCH sooner than hoped. Justin did not have a Ross, but there are a few parents at the online support groups at
http://tchin.org/community/index.htm its an email lis, whos children had the Ross procedure.
That org CHIN,site has alot of really good info and references as well as a very large "Portrait gallery" w/ stories of children you can search by name, diagnosis, procedures etc. There are quite a few small "sub groups" for he list
http://tchin.org/support/index.htm but PDheart is the main one everyone posts to and reads, the other groups I belong to there are slower.
FWIW I've read and listend to a few good studies and articles about the Ross in young children lately longer term.
Where is your son being followed and will be having his surgery? The Ross is definately one of the surgeries that how much experience the surgeons have in doing them on CHILDREN ofen the beter the results -short and long term. One good thing is many/ most? CHD surgeons at larger centers (in our experience anyway), are very good about giving 2nd opinions if you contact (call) them and send them copies of everything, including the actual CD of any recent ECHOs, MRIs cath etc. they ask for. Usually for no cost or if they do charge they only charge what insurance pays them, no cost to parents. There are a few CHD Centers in the US that are top rated, pretty much all over the Country, so that is good. I'm not sure which centers do many Ross's, I would probably contact their surgereon, just to see what they have to say. I always do, just if only so I wont second doubt my (our now that Jusin is a adult) decisions. I know off the top of my head, Spray at CHOP is quite well known for he Ross, but that might be because he is Justin's surgeon so I read alot of things he writes and listen to his wbcasts
If I can help w/ anything just ask. Justin didnt have any surgery at your sons age, so I cant help with that from personal experience , but tha email list has alot of parents wih "children" of every age, from Moms who are pregnant and their baby was diagnosed to oddler, grade school and even te Blessed group like us whose "babies" are now adults so can offer al kinds of advice, info
Good luck, I hope you can enjoy the Holidays and not think about this as much. I know that is easier said than done.