5 Year Anniversary

Valve Replacement Forums

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 7, 2003
Dallas Area Texas
Nov 27, 2000. While Florida was counting butterfly ballots, my new butterfly valve was taking flight. I have sooooo much to be thankful for. Y'all are at the top of the list. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - pun intended :D
Congratulations Tom!
You have done very well with your new valve!
I hope we're all around to cheer you at your 50th!
(Wouldn't that be something?LOL);) ;) ;)
Congratulations Tom on a great 5 years. There's some incredibly easy reference to "hanging chads" and such - but I won't go there.;)

Wishing you many more memorable years.
Congraulations Tom and thank you for participating all this time too. You've helped many a new person who wanted to continue running, for that, your also appreciated. ;)


Tom, Good work at keeping the thing ticking! Running like that you are a champ in my book! All the best, Brian

While your surgery was a bit before I was even diagnosed, your continuing participation here and your energy and drive as a valver-athlete serve as a wonderful inspiration to those of us who are still waiting, but hope for a good life after.

May you have many more wonderful years, ticking away!
Hi Tom,

Congratulations on reaching the five-year mark - here's to many, many more years running and clicking :D .

Congratulations on 5 years, may you have many more good years, all the best
Happy anniversary.............

Happy anniversary.............

Hope you wined and dined your valve and had a great anniversary. :D Hugs. J.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and comments. Yes, 50 more, lived one day at a time.

I did get in a run and bike ride over the weekend, but finally succumbed to a bug that has been going around. Rest and fluids were not getting rid of it. I felt fine while I exercised, but continued to go downhill, so I went to see the PCP yesterday. I had a sub because my regular doc was sick. The doc looked at my history and my symptoms and asked me the standard "how are you?" Never the one for a standard answer, I smiled and said "on balance, I'm great, just help me get rid of this nasty cold."

So, yes, on balance, life is good. Many thanks to all my friends in here. Y'all are wonderful.

PS, I'm on amoxicillin 1g 2x and a syrup with sudafed and hydrocodone. My vitals are fine.

Time for another nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.