4 years... But hey.. Who's counting?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi gang,

Seems like the month of March is indeed the month of anniversaries. My emergency surgery was 4 years ago this week. I didn't post on my day since I still had a few more doctor appointments to attend.

My CT Scan results showed now change since my initial scan right after surgery. This means no new aneurysm developments, and no additional deterioration of my dissection. My vascular surgeon said he can place my current CT over my initial one and it would be a mirror image. Whew!!! He also took 2 interns in to see me. Told them both I was a walking miracle, and wanted them to spend some time talking with me since they don't get too many patients, (survivors), like me to talk about what happened.

PS. I took the rest of the day off... went out to my boat, and me and my boat took a wonderful cruise down the lake, totally enjoying LIFE!

Also, I had my appointment with my PCP today. All my labs are fantastic, except for my cholesterol, it was 229, up from 205. Guess I need to cut back on meats, fries and cheese. He suggested meds for it, but I said I would prefer to tackle this with my diet first. Also, I had a comparison check done against my home testing unit. Lab INR was 2.3, my home unit was 2.6 I'll still stick with my home testing results. These days... I deal in Whole Numbers only. As long as I stay between 2 and 4 life is good! I try to target 2.5 to 3.0

I have one more appointment with my cardiologist. I would have also had it this week, but he was recently diagnosed with cancer, and had to quit work to go in for treatment. So I had to find a new cardiologist. My appointment with him will be next month on the 20th.

4 years... whew... I live today as though it all never happened. I am extremely active and really enjoying my life.

Thanks to everyone for making this site so wonderful, and a special thanks to those that helped me through some tough times. You know who you all are..<smile>

My best wishes to all!!

Congratulations Rob

I know when I look back at mine and then compare it with the AVR and the troubles that it brought about, all I can do is sit in absolute amazement. It's really hard to believe it's been 9 years since that dreadful night for me. Seems like it was just a short time ago.

So your thinking of dumping your soul food aye? I think maybe consistency is the key there too. Balance it out with Cholesterol fighting foods, but still have your yummies.
Hey Rob,
4 years that is Great! I am glad you are enjoying your day and hope you have many more Anniversaries to celebrate.

Take Care
Rob - congratulations on your birthday - I mentioned it yesterday on Bonnie's thread. I think you were already here when I arrived April, 4 yrs ago. Did you come on board before your surgery? Just wondrin. Anyway, celebrate.
What a life affirming post! So glad you're still around to enjoy your life, which you so clearly do. Congrats on the anniversary and my wishes for many more to come.

Congratulations on your anniversary and such terrific news. It's truly amazing, you dissection guys and gals. Survival is certainly something to celebrate.
Rob. thanks for your encouraging post. It's great to hear that you are doing so well. I sincerely hope you enjoy many, many more years!
Wishing you many many more years of identical CT scans! My Mom died 5 years ago from a disecting aorta and heard all the stats then about what a rarity is to make it to the other side alive. Sounds like no one needs to tell you to enjoy life. It's all a gift.

Congratulations on four years of LIFE! I loved your post - you sound like one happy man. :)

Here's to another four years multiplied many times over.

God bless -
Christina L.

What great news! I'm glad that you were able to take some time and celebrate!
Hi Rob!

Congratulations on your 4th anniverysary. Cruising the lake was a perfect celebration! Happy for you. Here's to many many more!

PS.....if you find a natural approach to lowering cholesteral post your findings. I eat a low fat diet for the most part. Low on carbs too. My level is still over 200. I am blaming it on genetics as my entire family has this issue.:rolleyes: Have tried Flaxseed Oil, Oatmeal. Didn't do much:( Really prefer not to be on a statin at this point in my life. My good cholesteral is low....combined# over the top. Can't win them all.

Congratulations on your anniversary and being alive to celebrate it! I hand it to you for observing the date with a boat trip.

At least five people have volunteered to me in the last week that "red rice yeast" ( I guess it comes in a tablet or pill) is the thing for controlling cholesterol naturally. I've never heard this before and have no idea if it's valid, but if you're going to try non-medication routes, let me know if it works.
Good News

Good News


This is great news..........Happy number Four!!

Here is to many more.............. Hopefully we can add to the celebrations with a cold one (or few) over some deep fried wild turkey.

Well that may cause the cholesterol to go up...........what the hey. It's worth it.

Right on!!

Right on!!

Hey RobThatsYou!!! :D

So nice to hear from you and know that you are doing well! Perfect way to celebrate.... at the lake!!! :D
All Right!

All Right!

Hi Rob,

Congratulations on your 4th anniversary! You chose a great way to celebrate! :cool: It's so great to get a good checkup! I remember in Nashville when Kristi was telling your emergency story. I couldn't stop the tears! But we were all kind of teary eyed on that one! It's wonderful you are here to celebrate your second birthday of 4 years and feeling so good! Life does go on for us!! May you have manny more haelthy happy anniversaries to celebrate! We'll have to celebrate at the Denver reunion if you can make it! :D

Congratulations on 4 years! You were one of the first people I spoke to when I first found this site. After that PM I knew I had found the right place to hang out. Did you take your boat out on Percy Priest Lake?

Here's to the next 4 years and I'll be celebrating 4 years. Hmmm, maybe a Nashville reunion could be added to the rotation.

Take care!