30th Anniversary of Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement

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John & Joann

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Lima, Ohio
December 10th, 2001. It will be 30 years today that Joann had her valves replaced. Yes, it has been a long trip up the mountain, but we are still climbing and going. Things are going fairly well the last few weeks. She walks on the treadmill for at least 25 minutes about 5 days a week. Pulse is returning VERY slowly to the left ankle.

Hardening of the arteries is not the best news, but we are determined to make the best of the situation. Vegas the first week in January, I leave for Florida in mid January, Joann takes airplane to Florida in early February. Disney Cruise with the entire family in February. Fishing, photography, friends, reading, baseball, flea markets, music, and Joann!--what else could I ask.

God has been with us since her condition was determine 42 years ago. Most of our medical friends are gone--but Joann has made the trip. We are most thankful.

You're a tribute to medical science. Your strength of character and spirit obviously gives you motivation to keep going, no matter what.

I applaud you and John!
You are a very special couple. You have given us so very much and continue to give all the time. Hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise and trips. Enjoy every single day. I do so admire your devotion to each other. And I pray you will have many more years together - you look young. God bless
What great news! Happy to hear things are looking up. We just have to remember that when challenged...there is always light at the end.

Have a wonderful time on that cruise! Send pictures. Are you doing the parks at all? My family loves it. For me it's a working vacation. Lots and lots of walking. Bring your most comfortable shoes.;). They also do have motorized wheel chairs available.

Here's to good health.
Happy Holidays!
Hi Joann and John,

I just wanted to congradulate you Joann on your 30th Anniv! WOW... You are an inspiration to us all. I hope you continue to progress towards good health and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

Sounds like you both have some wonderful family plans in Feb. Like Gina said.. take some pictures and share...

Happy Holidays,,

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WOW,WOW,WOW.. What an inspiration you are to all of us Joanne! And all this time on Coumadin as well? I hope I can do the same. I want to wish you the very best of everything. Have a great time on the cruise with all your loved ones.
Send us your pictures, we'd love to see them. Have fun!

Congratulations on 30th!

Congratulations on 30th!

John and Joann, You certainly are an inspiration to those of us Johnny come lately valve replacements. I'm a 3 year post mitral
with a St.Jude mechanical. What were the valves given Joann?
Like the Energizer Bunny!!

Like the Energizer Bunny!!

You inspire us all you two! Joann for enduring all for so long, and John for being the most supportive spouse I have ever seen.

This picture is a tribute to you both!
John & Joann,

CONGRATULATIONS! What an inspiration you both are. Being just a beginner, being on Coumadin, you have lightened my fears. Thirty years! That is wonderful and your still going strong and continuing to enjoy life. I've have read many of your post and you have both been very helpful. That's probably why I love this forum so much!
Enjoy your cruise, and like Gina said, take plenty of pictures and please do share. We would all love to hear from you. HAve a very Happy Holiday family to you both and your family.


John & Joann,

I would like to echo the previous repsonses...WOW! You are indeed an inspiring person!

It makes me proud to say I have a friend at valvereplacement.com who has had the same valves for over 30 years!

Is this really true? I am still trying to understand your personal story and get it straight? You had initial valve surgery in 1971. Did you have a re-do in '99 or an add-on or something different? Have you been a St. Jude person all along?

Enjoy every moment of those trips.
Joann and John
What a wonderful story!! Im so happy that you have each other, and that you have been so blessed. Your trips sound great, and I know you will enjoy them to the max. Thanks for sharing!
happy anniversary john and joann!
i'm so glad to hear joann is doing so well.
i wish you both the best on this upcoming holiday. you two are amazing!
enjoy your trips, your family, and each other.
wishing you both a happy and healthy one.
God bless,
JoAnn and John.
I am in awe. I was 4 when JoAnn had her surgery! WOW! 30 years is a great milestone! You must be doing something right. Write a book and let us all in on the secret of your good health.

Here's to another 30 and then another 30!
Way to Go Joann

Way to Go Joann


Way to Go, Girl! You are an inspiration to many others! Hope you get many more years out of your valves!

Love and Hugs,


You have given us all something to aim for! Thanks!
CONGRATULATIONS! you are an inspiration to us all. You are a perfect example to the saying on ward and up ward. Have a terrific time on your cruise. Love, martha
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