3 weeks post op today .. How to Celebrate?

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Robb Wilder

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2010
Fort lauderdale Florida
Im going to disney world today till sunday. Now, before anyone says it, I only plan on going into the park tomorrow and only for a few hours renting a wheelchair. I am stir crazy and tired of being in this house. My sons birthday is monday so this is sorta his birthday celebration. Hes 3. Anyways wish me luck I think the change of scenery will be nice.
I don't blame you! Have fun, just be careful! If it's really hot consider using the wheel chair the whole time. I see you live in Florida so you are probably used to the heat but after having surgery and going on walks outside the hot weather made it harder to breathe for me!
By all means, seek the shade when you can find it. The sun beating on you will get to you. You need to get one of them thar motorized wheelchairs or scooters. Then get a black rubber stamp with a pedestrian and the circle with the line through it representing no pedestrians, then run over as many as you can during the day and put a stamp on the side of the chair for each one you score.
I think this will be great for you and your family. I would echo what Ross says about being in the sun, oh, and the pedestrians! Yeah!
Be sure to keep yourself well hydrated. Dehydration at this stage of your recovery might be very unpleasant.

Use common sense and enjoy Disney with your family.
Tell us all about it when you return.
Well, I have decided NOT to go into any if the parks themselves. (we are passholders) YEsterday was kind of tiring between the car trip and the walks to from the car to the room and then to te resteraunts. I probably walked a good three to four miles yesterday. I'm going to rest in the room while they goto the magic kingdom. We still have a few days here but no parks for me. We have family coming into the campground tomorrow for my sons birthday. Need to keep my strength for that.
That sounds like a good plan, though I'm sorry you are missing the parks. It's not surprising you'd find it too tiring at this stage. And it's considerate of you not to want to curb your son's time in the park because you are too fatigued.

You might want to have someone drop you at your room or the restaurant door, and then go park the car. Save your strength for your family. 4 miles is a lot of walking 3 weeks out!
Well, I have decided NOT to go into any if the parks themselves. (we are passholders) YEsterday was kind of tiring between the car trip and the walks to from the car to the room and then to te resteraunts. I probably walked a good three to four miles yesterday. I'm going to rest in the room while they goto the magic kingdom. We still have a few days here but no parks for me. We have family coming into the campground tomorrow for my sons birthday. Need to keep my strength for that.

That sounds like a good compromise. That way you get to have energy and really enjoy the other parts of the trip and don't get wiped out and possibly miserable. The problem is WHEN you hit the wall, your energy is just GONE, it could be tough even leaving the park, getting to your car, if you got tired 1/2 thru the park. PLus everyone else won't be more concerned /worrying about you instead of really enjoying the park.
I know Justin did a big trip, event (Cal Ripkens Hall of Fame induction) 1 month after his 2nd surgery in 10 days. It was a 5 hour car trip. He did good, because he did rest up alot and and for the actual ceremony, once you got to your spot (they did push him in a wheel chair) you pretty much were just in one spot and not constantly fighting the crowds and trying to move all over the place (like you would have to do at Disney)
Also months earlier when we realized he might be recoverrying from another OHS,(which was not planned when they made the reservations since he had just had the surgery 2 years earlier)we called up and asked about anything special for people with disabilities or medical problems that would make alot of walking or standing in long lines hard if not impossible. So they were able to get on the list for the special shuttle they had as well as a section for wheelchairs that ended up being under a tent so they had a good spot and he was in the shade for the loooong ceremony. Afterwords they did say if they had to walk everywhere (or even pushed in the whelchair) it probably would have been a little too much.
They didn't do a few of the events they were planning on before he ending up having surgery, let alone 2, because it would have been too much,
but they were glad that since they did just a little at a time and then would go back to the house and rest, they were really able to enjoy what they did go to.
I hope your new plan works out as well for you
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