3-Week Post-Op Update - Andy

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you were probably tensing those abs to get the nurses worked up (grin)

nurse did tell me to not tense stomach, for the shots, but then again i gots nostomach muscles to tense (bigger grin)

Speaking of getting the nurses worked up (or more likely, getting worked up by nurses), I had one of 'em shave me today at cardio re-hab. Told her those sticky pads have been hurting when I take 'em off and I'd meant to shave my chest before I came in but forgot. She did it for me, right there in the rehab area ;) Doubt if she enjoyed it as much as I did, but it helped take my mind off the boring bike for the next 1/2 hr ;)
Wow Andy, you have access to cardio rehab...nice, no such thing up here?

Nurses shave us for the stress tests, but there are a few prerequisites: it must be a dry shave, no water or cream and the razor has to be really dul, so that patient gets no enjoyment

Thanks for the detailed post about your hospital experince. It is nice to know what to expect.

I had to give myself heprin shots in the stomach for 14 days after hip surgery. I was told to push the plunger slowly and that really seemed to help it not sting. I might not have been taking as much as what is required for valve replacement. I did find it more and more diffiuclt to poke myself in the stomach as time went on. I had to do it in the restroom at the airport before taking a 8 1/2 hour flight home from Belgium. Thought I would have trouble carring syringes thru the airport - but no problem. My stomach looked like one big bruise by the time I stopped taking the shots. Also started to get an itchy rash. Doctor said I was getting allergic to the heprin.

Good Luck. I look forward to more updates as you get back to a normal life.

Wow Gil, I thought they all did the cardio rehab deal. It started before I left the hospital (day 2 if not day 1 after surgery). Started with walking around the hall, then that plus a little work on a bike, then that plus a treadmill for 5 or 10 min and finally climbing up some steps. Then when I left the hospital they set me up with cardio rehab 3 times a week. It's an hour of work, 20-25 min. on a treadmill and 20-25 min. on a bike (with 5 min. warmup and 5 min. rest between treadmill & bike) while they monitor you on one of those portable ekg things, and take your blood pressure a few times while resting and while working. And they "guilt" you into walking every day when you're no there 'cause they ask when you get back - so what did you do yesterday... I suppose you can pretty much get the same thing accomplished on your own (except for the monitoring of vitals) but I like the program because they're progressively got me working harder each time, very slowly, building up from 3 "mets", where I started, to 6 mets by them time I'll be done. Plus the girls that work there aren't hard to look at ;)
Andy your so lucky. I'd have physical rehab therapist Murch to deal with. I never get lucky.

The one I had at CCF I think came straight from Camp Lejeune. I even referred to her as Gunnery Sgt.
haha you guys are funny! i was surprised how young and attractive my female nurses in the hospital were. i EVEN had young attractive male nurses too. it was a pleasant surpriseeee. except for when one of the guys took out my catheter. that was a little akward because he asked everyone to leave the room. my husband was a little crabby about that one.
haha you guys are funny! i was surprised how young and attractive my female nurses in the hospital were. i EVEN had young attractive male nurses too. it was a pleasant surpriseeee. except for when one of the guys took out my catheter. that was a little akward because he asked everyone to leave the room. my husband was a little crabby about that one.

Hey, they have no right telling your husband to leave the room. If they told my wife that, they'd have a big fight on their hands.
I had a female nurse that took out my catheter. She slipped her hand slowly into my hospital gown. I sensed her hand approaching to the destination. She knew exactly where and how to do this. She slowly yank it out.

Feels nice ? she winked and left the room.:D