3 Month checkup

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Yesterday was "One of those days":p I had to call several weeks ago to make my own 3 month Cardiologist appointment..They said very plainly..July 10th..10:45 a.m...This was my Grandson's 10th birthday. Had him with me to take him out for Birthday lunch afterwards..Arrived in office at 10:30..Nurses looked so confused at everything. One tells me my appointment is 1:45 p.m...another gets on computer and brings up 12:45 p.m....then I tell them that I have brought my Protime in to demo for them..sign and fax back to QAS..They let me come back..would you believe I was nervous and didn't prick myself hard enough..Couldn't get the blood to flow:mad: but thank goodness for the calmness of my Hubby who showed the nurse that we knew what we were doing..she agreed and put the paperwork on my chart for the Cardiologist to sign..:) Out for a quick lunch and back with my list of questions for Cardiologist..In he comes a flying into room. Hi, you look great..listened to heart. Everything is fine. See you in 3 months...Quickly rattled off a few questions..he just grinned as he had his hand on door and out he went...So my point..Take control of your own little problems cause they (Cardiologist just don't have time for them..:mad: P.S. I made him look at my Protime..I think he said, Neat..Had no idea who QAS are...I'm making another list..#1..Call and get another 3 month appointment in Oct. in Sept. and make them put it in writing and mail to me..Enough of my Venting. I KNOW I'm lucky to be so healthy...and am so thankful for Valvereplace.com....I know I can find the answers to my little problems here. Bonnie
By the sounds of that, I'd look for another Cardiologist.

Of course, I run into the samething with many of my Docs. I guess we can't fire all of them now, can we?

Glad to hear all is well and by all means, make the next appointment and get it in writing. lol



I liked your detailed little story. I think it paints a familiar picture for so many of us. Anyone lucky enough to have a cardiologist who has (or takes) time to be with you...hang on to them!!

That profession is so understaffed, but I respect them and believe they pretty much know what they're doing. I guess you have to get your information in little bites (or bytes as it would be from this website support group).

Yes indeed, managing one's own health issues is the key here. Live and learn everything you can about your situation. This website, of course offers the finest amount of information available. I keep tabs on a couple of local cardiologists (including mine) and often attend their free seminars held at their hospital. At least they know my face, but probably not my name.

I've found that visits to the cardiologist have been the hardest (and longest) days since surgery. I got rid of one cardiologist and signed up with another one, who probably isn't all that much better.
The good news is that the cardiologist doesn't want to give us much time because we're getting better. They must save their quality time for the people who are really sick.
They must save their quality time for the people who are really sick.
And all this time I thought it was because he wanted to end office visits and go scuba diving. lol :p
Cardiologist appointments

Cardiologist appointments

Does anyone know how many times do you go to see your Cardiologist after V/R surgery? I saw him 3 weeks post, yesterday (3rd month) and he wants to see me in another 3 months. Why? That would be my 6th month checkup..then do I skip 6 months? And go for a 1st year checkup..Will he do any tests..Yesterday he said you are doing great. Bye:p I have to admit I really like his Nurse. She is young and friendly and always calls me right back if I call in my INR..Guess I'll stay with him..Maybe I should take my camera with and snap a picture of him and say, I just want a picture so I'll remember what you look like..:D Bonnie
Yeah, that's usually the way it works. 3, 6, and 12 months, unless you have a problem develope meantime. Mine did an echo at 12 months, but I don't know if that's standard procedure or not.
I count myself lucky in that my cardio wants to answer every question in almost agonizing detail. I've seen him 4 times (including pre-surgery) and every visit has been 1 hour +. Toward the end, his nurses start knocking on the door asking him to speed it up. Even on the phone, he is in no hurry to end the talk.

When I was unconscious for my 8 days in ICU, my wife wrote him an email on Saturday looking for support and he actually replied on the weekend.

ON THE OTHER HAND, my Coagulation nurse has no time for my questions, will not let me test more than every 2 weeks even though I've been out of range the last 2 tests. I'm NOT happy and will start pressing for my own Protime unit on my visit next Monday. :(

In my Clinic, the Coagulation clinic answers to my GP, not my cardio. My GP is not so easy to get time with (compared to my cardio).

Hey Bonny! I am sorry to hear your cardio was so rushed. Mine stays in and answers all questions, and HE calls me back when I need answers! I think I will hold on to him for a long long time!

Johnny, who is your cardio? Is it at the UW? Mine is Dr. Doug Stewart at the UW. Just wondering, since we both had the same surgeon and everything.
Dear Bonnie - my brother and I have same cardio and it's nearly 100 miles to get there - he has 5 min appts so when our time came up, they asked me if I had any real problems to discuss with cardio and if not, would I like to see his ass't. I went for the ass't/my brother went in to cardio. Bro was out in short shrift and I had a good visit and all questions answered and advice given with all checkups done and spent about 25 mins with the ass't - who I like better anyhow. (the only thing, the cardio got paid for the visit and I guess the ass't got his regular salary!).
Joy, no, my cardio is not part of the UW. His name is Louis Zibelli, and he is part of the Virginia Mason system all the way over here in Issaquah. He was the one that referred me to Dr. Verrier.