24 Years AVR

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Active member
Nov 17, 2011
Miami, FL
A month late but like every year, I come to post. Nothing new everything( knock on wood) is going well. Still playing beach volleyball (tournament too), softball and going to trying out kickball. Dick still here bud keep the stakes hi. LOL
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A month late but like every year, I come to post. Nothing new everything( knock on wood) is going well. Still playing beach volleyball (tournament too), softball and going to trying out kickball. Dick still here bud keep the stakes hi. LOL
9 years after I got a Hancock II pig AV at 65yo, I am sorely missing my usual indoor beach volleyball marathons at 74yo. But that's not because of the valve, it's because of BPPV vertigo! Lots of details at Norm's Story so far, starting with recovery
9 years after I got a Hancock II pig AV at 65yo, I am sorely missing my usual indoor beach volleyball marathons at 74yo. But that's not because of the valve, it's because of BPPV vertigo! Lots of details at Norm's Story so far, starting with recovery

I also suffer from vertigo like 3 a year and go quick. I was playing the other day and it hit me, had to sit out a match. Doc told as I get older it will get worst. Oh well let me enjoy it as much as I can now I see what the future holds. Been playing since Jr High, I am 46 now.