Hello I am a 36 Year old active male, I had open Heart surgery when I was 3 (1971) P/S was corrected. On Dec 13 I have a cath and then on the 14th I have OHS to replace my Pulmonic Valvue with a Pig Valvue. I am terrifed of not returning to a normal life. I am Asymptomatic ( no symptoms ) however my RV is enlarged and there is severe regurg. I am going to have the procedue in New York City, by Dr. Isom at Cornell on 68th ST. Has anyone had a procedure by this doctor? Any thoughts, I hear he is Excellent. I guess I am just scared and have nobody to speak with about this, all of my pears (30-40 yearolds) are in good health. It is very hard for me emotionaly even though I tell myself they do these all the time. I would appreciate any thoughts or advice on how to cope in the upcoming days. As well as any ones first had experience with this procedure. I hear that replacing the pulmonic valvue is way less common a procedure then aortic or mitral.
Please help!!
Please help!!