I need to add to my previous post. Sassy20, with your shortness-of-breath (SOB), are you on Metoprolol? Once I got off that, it helped very quickly.
Another idea, do you have any problems with any of your ribs? Are you also coughing?
After doing research, I discovered that my SOB/coughing might be caused by Slipped/Slipping Rib Syndrome. I have had rib issue/pain for 27 1/2 years after giving birth to my daughter. The doctor said it was a floating rib and there was nothing I could do about it.
My rib ‘popping out’ (lower right by the sternum) can happen at anytime for me, when I bend down to tie my shoes or twisting. It ‘catches’ on my muscle and it’s a 9/10 pain. It will eventually ‘release’ and usually go away within 5 minutes, but sometimes it takes longer. Sometimes that area will be sore for the next day. It’s been consistently happening but not constantly happening.
Slipped Rib does not show up on X-ray, MRI, or CAT, it's diagnosed with a Dynamic Ultrasound with a radiologist experienced with Slipped Rib Syndrome. I’m trying to get a referral to get a Dynamic Ultrasound done at the Mayo.
Maybe someone else is going through something similar with SOB with no cardio cause so I thought I would post this info. None of the physical therapists at my clinic had ever heard of it.
Slipped/Slipping Rib Syndrome:
Slipped rib syndrome is an underdiagnosed and often poorly understand condition of the costal arch or margin. It's caused by excessive movement of the anterior cartilaginous part of the lower ribs as they ‘join’ the costal arch. The excessive movement or hypermobility of the anterior part of the ribs, typically the 8th, 9th or 10th rib is probably caused by either congenital or acquired (following a minor injury or repetitive strain) disruption of the fibrous junctions of these 'false' ribs at the costal arch, allowing the tips of the ribs to move or slip under the rib above. The movement causes lower rib or upper abdominal pain. It causes difficulty breathing and coughing.
National Library of Medicine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7901126/Rib Injury Clinic: https://www.ribinjuryclinic.com/con...a radiologist,of the rib tip affectedNATIONAL