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I believe the first cardiac relay team was formed last year for the Vermont City marathon. The second was last Sunday at Jersey Shore. I could be wrong, there may have been one other but I just don't remember it.

Mark Siwik who frequents this forum as well as CardiacAthletes started it on his own. Tom Price and I were others who are also on both forums. I was among the first to sign on for Jersey but had to back out due to family obligations.

It wasn't a VR-only team since most of the runners were not valve jobbers. There were also pace makers, stents and bypasses. For Jersey shore they all ordered matching tee shirts from CA with the CA logo.

To form a team, someone merely has to just take the reins and drive. There is no defined schedule or planning committee. Find a likely event, announce your intention and see who answers the call. If it's in an out of the way location, you may not get a big turnout but then Vermont isn't exactly a metropolitan hub, so you never know.
That's about it! We've had 3 get togethers: Burlington, VT; Akron, OH and Jersey Shore. Each came aboput by someone locally posting their intent to try and get a team together. Posting on both Vr. com and Cardiacathletes.com. There is a core group of people that are willing to help out anyone looking to get one started....