12 Years Old - My Valve is Growing Up

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Karlynn said:
Gina, how did I miss this post?????? A belated Happy 12th birthday. You may want to warn Chris that you are entering that really awkward stage of life - the teen years!!!!!:D
Chris already knows. He figures in a few years my mental age and my valve age will meet up. Heaven knows what will happen then.
Gina, Happy Valve Day

Gina, Happy Valve Day

Happy birthday to you and your valve. Can't imagine 25 years. You are an inspiration to all of us. You always have such a positive attitude. Thanks for all you do for the rest of us.
Happy Birthday!
It's good to read success stories such as yours!

Have a great day!

Have a great day!

Hi Gina and sorry I missed the exact date of your valve B. day as I just saw the post. HAPPY Birthday and ~HUGS~. You have helped me enormously during my recovery (and still do to this day) and I am forever grateful to you Gina. I hope you continue to have a wonderful spring and smile cuz I'm smiling back at you!!!!!:D
Now,how the heck .............

Now,how the heck .............

did I miss this one? :confused: Many belated good wishes to you and your valve, even if you are guilty of contributing to a minor.................:D

Many hugs. Janet
Congratulations, Gina. I wonder how old the oldest valve on our board is. I know Joe has a pretty old one, and RCB and Joanne I think all do too. It is nice to know the valve is so durable. Very nice too that you are still here because of it!
Well, okay, so it's May now, not April. But I'm just catching up with this -- am a Southerner, move a little more slowly than most. :D

Anyway, congratulations Gina, on this special valve birthday -- on to the teen years!
:eek: How'd I miss this?? It was the Vicodin, I swear!! Funny how it makes you feel better, but it sure doesn't help you think better!! :p

You and I can now share April as our celebratory month! And I can't think of many people nicer than you to share it with. Thank YOU for helping me make it to my April date. Your brand of kindness and support isn't just found anywhere.....you are truly special! Congratulations.

:) Marguerite

Without question, you are a great encouragement to all us :) . Thank you for your pariciipation and this forum. Happy belated birthday! :) :) :)

Take Care,
Thanks all.
There are a number of us who had our first surgery over 25 years ago. I think Linda (twinmaker) might have the oldest implanted valve but RCB had the earliest valve surgery (1960) on the board. Of course I could be wrong. Maybe time for a new poll?
Gina, Congratulations on both your teenage valve :) and (belatedly) your birthday.

So, when can we expect you to feel embarrassed at being with us? And hanging out til all hours? And eating pizza and fries and sleeping til noon?

Although with your positive attitude, you and your valve will probably have wonderful teen years....

Take care,

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