Yup yup yup
Yup yup yup
Reading this thread, especially your description of your moods, takes me back to when I had my surgery back in May. It's hard to believe it was that long ago!
And before my surgery, I also couldn't sleep (Xanax helped me), was snappy with folks (to the point one of the doctors at work told me I needed a vacation--well LOL I was about to get one recovering after surgery, but I would have been snappy with him with or without surgery, he's a moron VBG). In a nutshell, how you all describe feeling is completely normal. You're facing a very scary surgery--but you'll be fine and we'll be right here with you every step of the way.
Andy, where are you having your surgery? My brother had liver surgery at U of Cincy last month and I was very impressed with the hospital. I'm a Buckeye alum (missed "The Game" last Saturday since I had to work but loved the outcome!). I got to meet GeeBee the weekend before my surgery when I was in Cincy for a race meet with my dogs.
Bottom line--good luck to you all, it will soon be past and you'll be home with your feet up doing your Christmas shopping on QVC LOL.