12 more days and I am going crazy...

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cna't sleep without medication, want to sleep all day long, can't focus, snappy and cranky. And worried...I know it will be okay, but every day some new worry comes up. UGH! Just venting, I guess..

cath 11/29
mvreapir 11/30
Kind of know how you feel we have 8 days left, then we should find out when our son needs surgery after a cath, im going out of my mind but always been slightly crazy:D. Just think what it would be like if we didn't have this forum to rant and rave on, best of luck hope the time passes really quickly for you, it will be over before you know it, can't really be of any help to you because i'm not sure how to handle the waiting myself.
Crazy like this gal?:D :D :D
Thirteen days from now, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about!:p :p :D :D
KristiinSD said:
cna't sleep without medication, want to sleep all day long, can't focus, snappy and cranky. And worried...I know it will be okay, but every day some new worry comes up. UGH! Just venting, I guess..

cath 11/29
mvreapir 11/30
Yup, waiting is the hardest part! Like someone else said, afterwards you'll wonder why you were so anxious. Try to enjoy life day by day. Get outside in some of that legendary San Diego weather! (I assume it's OK this time of year). Maybe go shopping or take care of those tasks you won't be able to do for a while when you get back home. The one thing that helped me was trying to focus on the future - your time at home during recovery, what you want to do afterwards, etc. Hope things settle down a bit for you!
Vent away Kristi. I can't think of anytime in your life when you are more entitled to feel so out of sorts. Do you have your holiday shopping done? If not, get thee to the mall. :D ;)
Tom Petty had it right (cue music) the waiting is the hardest part.

Are you treating yourself to things you normally wouldn't - an ice cream sundae, a chic flick when everyone else wants Dirty Harry, pedicure, massage?
Hey Kristi,

I feel your pain -- It looks like we're going to be surgery buddies. I'm having my AVR on the 29th and some days the wait is just terrible! A good vent is just sometimes very very necessary.

You (and I) will be fine we just have to keep telling ourselves that.

The other side of the mountain awaits.



surgery is the easy part...:) Recovering at home is the hard part..if you are not prepared..Got that recliner, people in house to help you the first few days?...someone lined up to drive you to your 3 week checkup?.....Just let your close family know..hey, I'm not up to Xmas this year..so..make sure they know..no fancy meals, ect.company, ect.. You will need at least 6 weeks to get back in the hang of things.. should be there by middle of Jan...Bonnie

Hang in there...its almost over. I feel the same way.

I've got 17 days left B4 AVR.
By most accounts I've read in this forum, the waiting is the worst part.
have my sleeping aids if needed
Christmas shopping has kept me busy..my kids seem to be keeping their distance
I'll be thinking about ya...(you to Joe)
You'll be going home about the time I'm going in.
Get plenty of rest.


Merry Christmas!!!!!

As hard as it is to wait, when it's over you'll be kicking yourself for getting all worked up about it. I pray that the surgery "peace" will come to you... and soon! You've done all the research, found a good surgeon, prepared physically for the experience... now you can sit back and relax (or go shopping!) and think about how great things will be when you have a freshly repaired valve!

The waiting is the hardest part- look forward to your posts after surgery when all is fine and we wish you peace. It won't be long!
Andy --

I'll make you a deal, you keep me in your thoughts, and I'll keep you in mine! :)

And I see you're from Cincy, are you a Reds fan? I was born and raised in the Virgin Islands but my grandfather was from cincinnati and was a rabid reds fan...and as such, so am I. I was actually able to catch a few games at the new ballpark this summer. It was fantastic!

Btw, my avatar is a picture of me and my little brother at the montgomery inn for dinner.

All the best to you and kristi -- Lets share recovery stories together in december.

The waiting really was the hard part for mom and the rest of us, too. Once you've woken up, the real challenge will begin, so be prepared. Spend your days getting everything prepared, and keep yourself as busy as possible. You will be in our thoughts and prayers the whole way!!!

Waiting is the hardest part.

Surgery is a piece of cake (you're asleep for the whole thing, for goodness sakes)....

Recovery is a challenge.

Hang in there, Kristi, Andy & Joe ... soon enough, you'll be sharing your stories...and wondering why you were so nervous ;).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"It's time to take a leap of faith" ... Steven Curtis Chapman ... 'Dive'

Just wanted to send a big hug your way! Keep your chin up! Good things come to those who wait!

P.S. I hope you take good notes on November 30 - I'd like to borrow them if you don't mind! :)
Looks like alot of us are in the waiting room. Should have a card game or something. Thought I was going to have my mvr on the 16th but after they got done with the cath the day before they thought they would add a double bypass and a tricuspid valve repair on top of the mitral valve. Surgery is postponed till Dec 1st.

So I know what you mean by the waiting game. I'm sure it will all work out for all of us and by the middle of Dec we will all be back on here in the POST Surgery threads comparing recovery notes.

Good luck,

Yup yup yup

Yup yup yup

Reading this thread, especially your description of your moods, takes me back to when I had my surgery back in May. It's hard to believe it was that long ago!
And before my surgery, I also couldn't sleep (Xanax helped me), was snappy with folks (to the point one of the doctors at work told me I needed a vacation--well LOL I was about to get one recovering after surgery, but I would have been snappy with him with or without surgery, he's a moron VBG). In a nutshell, how you all describe feeling is completely normal. You're facing a very scary surgery--but you'll be fine and we'll be right here with you every step of the way.
Andy, where are you having your surgery? My brother had liver surgery at U of Cincy last month and I was very impressed with the hospital. I'm a Buckeye alum (missed "The Game" last Saturday since I had to work but loved the outcome!). I got to meet GeeBee the weekend before my surgery when I was in Cincy for a race meet with my dogs.
Bottom line--good luck to you all, it will soon be past and you'll be home with your feet up doing your Christmas shopping on QVC LOL.
Just thinking of you............

Just thinking of you............

and hoping you are maintaining your sanity. Hang in there. Many hugs. J.
Now its three days...

Now its three days...

and I haven't' gotten to any peaceful place yet. I feel like I have a lot to do and because people are going to be staying in my house, I want to have everything cleaned and organized. My son and I went to family camp for Thanksgiving, which was a lot of fun, but the high altitude was hard on me...Still happy thanksgiving to all.

surgery 11/30
Betcha you'd be forgiven...

Betcha you'd be forgiven...

...for not running around to make sure the house is clean, there are meals prepared ahead, etc. I'm guessing the people staying with you are coming to help and aren't just holiday houseguests. They'll be happier if you leave them something to do!
You're in my prayers, Kristi! I won't be far behind you into the operating room.

in the waiting room for mitral valve repair