1000th post

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
For my 1000th post, last night I penned what I thought was a tribute to VR - a walk back down memory lane from beginning to now, mentioning those who were here when I came in to those who have just arrived. I enjoyed writing it, and thanking all but am sorry to say you will never get to read it because my server disconnected as I was submitting! Once it is gone, can't be re-written the same way. But this is the gist of it.

After heart surgery, I found VR just by typing search "heart surgery".The door was open so I walked right in. It was the old site, but sounded so friendly and helpful. Didn't have a clue what valve replacement was and that wasn't what I had, but stuck around and listened. Janie, Robthatsme, Ben, Rain, our dear Zazzy, Gina, Bob were some of the less than 100 members. I figured all these folks could help me find some answers. Think the first answer I got was from Rob about 82mg aspirin instead of the big one. Soon Billy came along and was a new bright light. Billy and I were the only two on the site that didn't have valve surgery and we almost left as we thought we maybe didn't fit, remember that Billy? But our heart buddies talked it over with us and here we are, still. New members have come along from just everywhere - like Scottie, Gillian and Jessica and Jonathan.

Hank's dream has been realized, probably far beyond his original wishes, but thanks to him here is a site of nearly 400 members who have become acquainted because we care for each other. We are able to vent, encourage, support, hope and have a bit of levity. I can recall even an argument or two.

Usually all is good news, but not totally, i.e. Billy, Elisabeth and Christine Mayhew. But together we have held each other through cyberspace and hope we can help 'make it better' or at least bearable.

I have gained so much and if I have said something to even one person that helped, I am greatful. That's what we are about. I am glad I have had the pleasure of your company all this time. Thank you, Everybody. Ann (Hensylee)
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Dear Hensylee:

On this site alone:

1000 times you have spoken, and touched many, many lives

1000 times you took the time to encourage someone in emotional or physical pain

1000 times you said you cared

From all of us, to you, a special guardian angel........thank you.

You are living a life of significance.

hi hensylee!
marybeth you said that so beautifully.
ann, there are truly no words to thank you for all you've given to each and everyone of us.
we have all been touched by your kindness.
thank you and wishing you only the best,


Hi Hensylee,

Congratulations on reaching such a significant milestone. You must have helped many, many people with some of your posts, and certainly brought a smile to hundreds of faces with some of the other posts. It's wonderful that you give so much of yourself to help others in need.

By the way, I read your other "1000th post" this morning and really laughed out loud. Then when I went back to show it to my wife a few minutes ago, I saw that you had edited your post to the one that shows above now. Would you please re-post the Martha Stewart advice vs. Hensylee's recommendations again? I'm sure others will get a kick out of them too.

Ron K
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Hi Hensylee,

Just a brief note, to let you know that I always look forward to reading your posts. You are informative and let your personality shine through with your comments. Looking forward to reading the next 1000 posts from you.

Marybeth's post to you was very touching,and I am sure reflects in such a wonderful way the way we feel about you on the board.

Wishing you good health,


ps. Marybeth, every thought of working for Hallmark?

Just wanted to say ditto to what Marybeth said. Also, wanted to add that I enjoy all the zest, humor and emotion that you put in your posts.
Ron, like I said in the first post, once it's gone, it's gone, but if I can find it I will post it.

When I first posted, Miss Sally Sue, my hound had wakened me about 2:30 to be fed, then the two chihuahuas wanted to go out, and by the time that was done, I was awake ( thought) and couldn't think at all so Martha is what I posted, later thought better of making it a 'landmark' post, deleted and tried re-posting the original -

Thank you all for your very kind words. It is my pleasure to know you.:)