10 signs that you are rapidly approaching your surgery date

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#10 You are eating with abandon since you've been assured You Won't Have An Appetite For AWHILE ( Woo Hoo! )

#9 You've got clothes packed for a massive five day trip, and it's only one outfit to wear on the trip home!

#8 You relinquish control of your debit card and PIN!

#7 You're inundated with calls from family and friends you haven't heard from in years!

#6 You can rattle off the names of pain meds without pause.

#5 You wait anxiously for the postman to see if your Heart Hugger has arrived

#4 You look at the extended weather forecast, and realize your surgery date is included in the 5 day forecast

#3 You wear your Heart Hugger around the house so you can practice pulling on its handles as you cough!

#2 You tear up without provocation, and no one needs to ask, "What's wrong?"

#1 Your surgery date is posted at the bottom of the Forum for Upcoming 2 -Day Events!
The top sign you are calm and ready for surgery:

#1. You still have a sense of humor and find time to share it with friends.

You are wonderful. We will miss hearing from you for even a few days.



well I would agree with all of those because tomorrow is the day, thx for posting those Mary. Gee whiz, I have been eating like a pig, everything I love has been consumed in gross amounts. A good sense of humor is a must. And I will add one more: Have a peace and a calmness that all will be well during and after surgery, a peace that comes from above!! Ask and you shall receive.
Are you sure you don't write for David Letterman?? :D Your sense of humor and your upbeat attitude will take you to the finish with ease. We look forward to all good post- surgery posts and wish you Godspeed.
Mary, I just wanted you to know I'll be thinking about you this week and hoping for the very best for you. You are also in my prayers for a complete recovery.
Sounds like you're all set to go girlfriend! I know you won't forget to pack our sense of humor. Will be waiting for the good word of your successful surgery.
Mary said:
#4 You look at the extended weather forecast, and realize your surgery date is included in the 5 day forecast

...and hope that, if good weather is forecast, that changes ... or, if bad weather is forecast, that stays the same ... all so that you don't miss out on the GOOD weather when you are feeling better ;).

He he he.

Good luck, Mary! Thoughts/prayers coming your way.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
MC Guide = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
The night before I went to Baylor for my heart cath I unsubscribed to one of my cat fanciers' message lists, where I sometimes get 100+ posts a day. I merely said I was going off line for 7-10 days.

A friend in Colorado shot back a quick private note, telling me to have fun on my vacation.

I answered: "Fun? Vacation??? I don't consider open heart surgery a vacation."

I then got a phone call from her.

But it was so funny, wishing someone a fun vacation -- at Baylor Spa & Resort ??????????? .
Mary, good wishes and happy dreams during your surgery. We'll all be waiting for you on this side. And yes, you will NOT have an appetite for a while. I will vouch for that. Or you will have one, take a few bites and go "yuck, that's enough". It's a great diet LOL. :p
