I apologize that I didn't get back on here, the keyboard on my phone was being a pain (hence the misspellings.) Anyway, I was released yesterday afternoon, I just had to get my INR checked today and will fire the next two days for sure. They want me between 2.5 and 3.5. Surgery was Friday (they gave me 5mg but I don't recall my INR) and on Saturday my INR was 1.7(took 5mg), Sunday 1.9(took 5mg), Monday 2.9(took 2), Tuesday 3.5(took 1)and today 3.6 and I'll take 1mg tonight.
The surgeon made an executive decision to go ahead and fix the mitral to avoid two mechanical valves. It's not perfect though, there is still regurgitation
Trying to not think about that. The strong pulse and ticking are annoying but I still would've taken this over tissue (at my age), and to think I was anti-mechanical just a month ago. They said ohs is harder in younger patients because they have more muscle tone, either way, I never want to do this again!
I'm doing really good during the day; walking, drinking water, eating, resting. Nights are bad. I'm getting horrible headaches (I'm not on any narcotics, just Tylenol), horrible nightmares and hot flashes. I finally thought of using an ice pack and that felt a little better and I think shortened the length of the headache but by 6am I was ready to get up and have my first shower! It's crazy how little you can do after having your chest sawed open, even lifting my shampoo bottles was a struggle.