Pamper yourself
Pamper yourself
I'm sorry that you're having troubles like this after all you've already been through.
My daughter gave me a journal to write my feelings in and at first all I did was complain about poor me and why did this have to happen to me? That even started boring me, so I tried to look at how "well" I was doing under hard circumstances. That was better so the journal idea may work, as has been suggested.
One thing I believe is that each story is different, each recovery is different, and each person's attitude is different.
I'm still ten days from surgery, but I've already started patting myself on the back for every little thing. If you need extra time to get back in shape, you just take it. You deserve it. You should treat your body as the champion it is for taking the hits it did. Give yourself a hug for having courage and fortitude.
I'm hoping for a 1, 2, 3, and it's over type of recovery, but I see that may or may not be in the stars. But recover I will.
And I hope you get better real soon.
Hang in there.
Pamper yourself
I'm sorry that you're having troubles like this after all you've already been through.
My daughter gave me a journal to write my feelings in and at first all I did was complain about poor me and why did this have to happen to me? That even started boring me, so I tried to look at how "well" I was doing under hard circumstances. That was better so the journal idea may work, as has been suggested.
One thing I believe is that each story is different, each recovery is different, and each person's attitude is different.
I'm still ten days from surgery, but I've already started patting myself on the back for every little thing. If you need extra time to get back in shape, you just take it. You deserve it. You should treat your body as the champion it is for taking the hits it did. Give yourself a hug for having courage and fortitude.
I'm hoping for a 1, 2, 3, and it's over type of recovery, but I see that may or may not be in the stars. But recover I will.
And I hope you get better real soon.
Hang in there.