1 month post op and today found out I have pneumonia

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Pamper yourself

Pamper yourself

I'm sorry that you're having troubles like this after all you've already been through.
My daughter gave me a journal to write my feelings in and at first all I did was complain about poor me and why did this have to happen to me? That even started boring me, so I tried to look at how "well" I was doing under hard circumstances. That was better so the journal idea may work, as has been suggested.
One thing I believe is that each story is different, each recovery is different, and each person's attitude is different.
I'm still ten days from surgery, but I've already started patting myself on the back for every little thing. If you need extra time to get back in shape, you just take it. You deserve it. You should treat your body as the champion it is for taking the hits it did. Give yourself a hug for having courage and fortitude.
I'm hoping for a 1, 2, 3, and it's over type of recovery, but I see that may or may not be in the stars. But recover I will.
And I hope you get better real soon.
Hang in there.

Sorry to hear you have had a rough time. Please keep letting us know how your doing.I do not think anyone that has gone over the mountain can ever be called a wimp.I look forward to hearing that things are improving.:)

There are no wimps post-OHS. :D You have been through a lot. Some recoveries are smoother than others but many of us have problems of one kind or another. Sounds like they've caught your pneumonia and hopefully the treatment will clear it up. Varying degrees of depression are also quite common. I had a heck of a time sleeping normally for a long time, and many other report that problem. Just hang in there and you'll be getting better and better.
I am sorry to hear about all the problems you have been having. Pneumonia can wipe you put any time..so it would be even more serious after OHS. I will watch an update that you feel better. In the meantime, I will keep you in my prayers.
Be very thankful that you have found this forum when you did. You know you can vent your feelings here.

I on the other hand, had OHS last March and did not find this most supporting site until 3 1/2 months after surgery. YOU want to talk about depression - I know where your coming from. Those first few months were the hardest for me. Even got my doctor to give me sleeping pills - which helped me to settle down for bed.
But darn it, remember YOU are Strong and you'll get past this. Just give your self time................it will pass.
Read Trish's post again. She hit the nail on the head. Try it and be strong girl.

Lets get over these speed bumps with determination and faith.

I'll be thinking of you, so post soon.
Lisa, so sorry to hear about the pneumonia, sigh. I know how you feel, I took the long bumpy road down the mountain myself. You'll get through it and you won't feel like this forever. During my 2'nd post-op month I caught the flu and bronchitis on consecutive weeks. All this with persistant a-fib and a resting heartrate in the 120s. I swear there were a few times I had to reach down pretty darn far to find the strength just to make it through the day.

I was pretty jealous of those who recover quickly and easily (of which there are plenty) though I am always happy for them. Please don't feel bad about the rate you're recovering just focus on what's important now and give yourself the time & opportunity to get better and then you will. This too will pass.

My first recovery was much slower than the second. I had all of the issues, it seems. Death dreams - I'd wake up mourning the person I saw surrounded by the surgical team - sort of a lucid, out-of-body dreaming experience. My sternum slipped when a radiologist pulled me up to sitting by my right arm 3 days post-op, so I felt like the sledgehammer got taken to my chest not once but twice. I had poky wires, keloidal scarring and all of the little impatiences that seem to make recovery the longest haul.

It gets better and remember to allow yourself this reaction. You had OPEN HEART SURGERY!!! You're seriously ill, after such a major surgical trauma, with a sickness that brings down the strongest person when they're whole. I think you're doing marvellously well just being at home and not admitted to hospital.

Anyway, recovery from surgery can be difficult, but just remember that needing surgery is worse. Best wishes and positive healing thoughts are in the ether for you.
please keep posting

please keep posting

Sorry you are hitting the bumps. Don't apologise for your honest feelings. The surgery you had is huge. Recovery takes a long time.

Depression is not unusual in heart patients. People here care about you and your recovery.

Something bothering you? Post about it, OK?

Post some more and let us know how you are doing.


Lisa, thank you for your post. I hope you feel better soon, recovery with out any added insults is hard in its self. These things will get better over time. I can say from personnel experiance that my recovery is still in process. Unfortunatly I still feel like I have been hit with a baseball bat dang near everyday, so every one of us is different. The patients that have the wonderfull recoveries, I am trully happy for them. But some of us take a bit longer. So there is a whole gamit of recoveries. Hang in there and again thanks for the post.Mike
I wanted to sent a heart felt thanks to all of you that have responded. It's good to know I am not alone and that so many people care. I guess sometimes I just need to learn patience. Something I've never had much of.
I am also happy for those who seem to breeze through their recovery. I just kind of felt like the odd ball out, it's nice to know I am also "normal", so to speak. I am thinking the whole pneumonia thing kind of sent me over the top with all of this recovery business. My chest was already hurting me from the muscle spasms and then the coughing from the pneumonia, it has been horrible. I wanted to stress that I too am happy for those who have a speedy recovery, I was just feeling like dang, am I the only one having it this rough??? You don't hear alot of people talking about the depression part of it, which I think makes everything worse. I know things will soon get better, it just seems like when something bothers me it's worse now; ex. missing my dad. Things like that. I don't mean to sound ungreatful, I am happy that my life was saved, although I do find myself questioning why. You know, like why was my life worth saving? Due to my many health issues, I haven't contributed much. I write heart felt poetry and I love with all my heart, I can make you laugh on a good day. I know God has plans for me, I just wish I knew what they were; as I'm sure many of us do. I think of my family and how much they love me and I feel like the most selfish person in the world, which only makes me feel worse, you know when you fall into that cycle? Sometimes I even think if I hadn't made it through the surgery then I would have been with Daddy and God, that's not a bad place to be. I also know this life belongs to God and he will take it when he is ready, and I am greatful for him sparing me, I'm just saying sometimes I don't understand it. I'm one of those people who think living is the hard part. Sorry I didn't mean to get so deep, just venting what I've been thinking and feeling.
Enough of that, I am happy for all of us who made it over the mountain, and praying for those getting ready for the journey. I am greatful for each of you who have taken the time to respond to me. Many, many thanks to all of you.


Sorry to hear about your pneurmonia as I know it is like adding insult to injury...isn't recovering from OHS hard enough without something like that? I am probably one of those who thought they were having a record recovery but....like so many of us....I too have hit the bump in the road. I know exactly how you feel when you say "enough already, when am I going to feel better?" I am almost 3 weeks post op and still feel really sore and achy and my recovery seems slower than ever. I went to the ER at 2 weeks post op and was diagnosed with pneumonia based on a chest x-ray. However, the following day I went to my cardiologist for my routine follow up and they looked at the chest x-ray and said I did NOT have pneumonia but rather had pleural effusions. They can easily be confused for pneumonia but I did not have a cough or fever, just really painful breathing. anyway, my cardiologist put me on a high dose of Motrin 800 mg every 6 hours around the clock and it really did seem to help, as it relieves the inflammation I guess. I have tapered off the Motrin as I was concerned about the high doses along with the pain meds and aspirin but now I am hurting again so I may have to go back on it. I guess I am just trying to say that you are not alone on your pain and frustration. Even those of us who initially did so well have our own little "bumps" and that is how I am looking at it...it is just temporary...just a bump in the road....and things will get better. A year from now we will be better than ever and this will be a distant memory...and we will be encouraging others in our situation. TAke care of yourself and stay connected.
sorry it took so long to post, but I am going to jump in anyway :

I had OHS almost 5 months ago at age 52; I did recover quickly, but I think I worked my bumps out early one ! I was kept unconscious in ICU for 2 days, because I apparently did the pneumonia thing at that time. It is not uncommon after OHS, or even any major surgery, something to do with general anaesthesia, and possibly even not using the lungs as much as usual when knocked out cold and recovering - no deep breaths to keep the lungs clearing themselves etc.

Depression is one of those things tha can happen easily too, and I have been on anti-depressants for about 15 years - I have "chronic recurrent major depressive disorder" for which I am on disability. The doc in ICU noted my rather large doses of meds, and had a stern talk with me about mood etc., and warned me that if I started to feel worse, I was to tell someone and to get Help immediately !!!! and stressed that OHS often leads to a depression. My theory is that it is a life-threatening and life-changing situation mentally, as well as all the physical stress, and the fact that you are somewhat dependent on others, too, for most things. Personally, I don't like asking for help, and I had to get DH to help me get showered, dressed etc., for a few weeks.

Sleeping (or lack thereof) really bothered me - I am one of those people who just likes to curl up in my blankets and sleep when I am sick, and I could not get comfortable, I sleep on my side. That really bummed me out, and I had a few bad moments (just moments, though, I have got use to giving myself a good kick when I need it ;) .

Anyway, for all of you out there, both penumonia and depression are not unusual, and should be treated. Hang in there, things will get better.
You will feel better soon. I did read once a line where someone said "why me" and the answer the person came up with was "why not me". Hope today is better for you
It's good to see you post. Hang in there, think positive thoughts and just put one foot in front of the other. It's what I try to do but some days not as easy as it sounds. Yesterday I had such shoulder pain I felt like I couldn't even walk but I pushed and got my walking in. I was glad when it was bedtime. So please hang in.
I am happy to see you post. I hope that you will begin to feel better soon. It is really easy to get pneumonia when your resistance is down.
And not everyone has a smooth recovery. After I got home from my OHS, I had a pretty easy time except for a couple of bouts of AFib and Aflutter. But it took me 12 days to get out of the hospital. I had a ventricular standstill on the 4th day after surgery which got me shipped to back to ICU for several more days , attached to a temporary pacemaker while they debated whether to put in a permanent one or not. My heart finally went back in sinus rythm on its own.
But now I am fine and back to teaching. So you will get back to normal . I am sure that when you get over this pneumonia, you will feel much better. Just take it easy, rest, walk, ...and let us know how you are doing.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to check in; had to go back to doctor today, was still feeling really rough. Dr. did another chest x-ray after listening to me and said "yes you still have pneumonia", so she changed my med. wanted to put me on Cipro, but due to my being allergic to that she went with augmentin, plus in addition to the hydrocodone cough syrup, she gave me some kind of pearl cough drops, scripts are at pharmacy right now so I'm not exactly sure what they are called. Was also told to keep doing the inhaler and come back Fri., so they can check me again. My chest is soooooooo sore from all the coughing I just cry with it sometimes. I was told to keep my pain med.s in me, so that I can handle that chest pain from the coughing. The pnemonia even has my back hurting on the right side, which is where the pnemoina is, the right lung. I hope all is going better for Lorie and those having troubles.
I hope this gets better soon, I don't know how much more I can take. Thanks again for all the well wishes.

You poor thing. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. Yes! Make sure you stay on top of your pain meds. I wish you wellness quickly!
Good evening...

I really hate to ask this, but are you seeing your PCP, or your cardiologist. The most common area for a plueral effusion is the right lung. You have ALL of the symptoms. The chest extra shows similarly to pneumonia. You have just had OHS, and effusions are quite common after OHS. And all of the antibiotics in the world will not get rid of it. I am a bit anxious for you.


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