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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Man, do I run my mouth or what?...but I just wanted to say..I am soooo happy. Today, was my final day of doctor appointments. No more until next Spring. Cardiologist on Sept 30th..great report..Pcp's making me go for all women's things..like pap smear, bone scan, lab work, all came back normal but mammogram. Went back today for further studies...OUCH:p but Radiology department said..no worry. Everything fine.Be sure and come back in another year. This was my first mammogram and this is Breast Cancer awareness Month. So, Ladies..go and have them. I was scared..but had planned the trip with Grandson..Took him home and went over for it.......:) :) I thank the good Lord for all my health...and the fact that I should live to see him grow up. (Grandson) He makes my life go around.:) :) and I thank my good Cardiologist and my wonderful .PCP for making me have these tests. I am age 63 and hope to live forever.:) Bonnie
Congratulations Mrs. Happy person.

I envision you racing the old men around the old folks home and perhaps even whacking them from time to time with a cane. Your just fiesty enough that you probably will live forever. ;)
Congratulations angel!

I'm glad to hear the good news!

As for:

Man, do I run my mouth or what?

.......angel, you forgot 'nosey.' --or have you forgotten how you lured me to your thread with all those questions that I myself couldn't answer?

--just the same, I love you for it!

Say hi to the rest of the gang and God bless all!

P.S. Am I a 'pump-head' or what, I almost 'submitted' this as a new thread:-(


Thanks for the reply..Haven't seen you post lately. How is that INR?.............Any problems with taking coumadin? Bonnie
Hey Bonnie,
Congratulations! You are a special person here to everyone. Keep on posting and keeping us all in line.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Bonnie, my dear. With close to 2000 posts, are you verbose ? Maybe its just important for you to have closure on all those posts? I dunno, however, I do know that you are a special young lady and we are richer having shared your thoughts many times. Your hubby must be a special guy to deserve such a prize as you my dear, and I hope you take special care of yourself, especially going to the dentist's office. Chris


To Ross. who posted the same day I started this thread.:D :D And to LA Cruiser, Dave, Quetlin and Chris..who waited 18 Days LATER:p :p :p :p Just kdding...:p :p :p Chris, Am I verbose..No, just what hubby calls me..The motor mouth of the south:p :p :p :p ...Chris..As far as the Dental issue..I am still contemplating on what I should do..:D :D Stop coumadin for 3 days, 2 days, 1 day... Have 1 tooth pulled at a time and stay on coumadin.....or just do what most women in the North Ga. Mountains do..Let them fall out naturally..:p :p :p :p :p ..For those of you who not reconize LA Cruiser..He did not want surgery..we talked him into it..He did not want to take coumadin after surgery..We talked him into it...Now..He is here..Post again LA. Want to hear everything. How's it going? Bonnie

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