I've been writing as a strong advocate of home testing. I believe in it. I've also looked at self management of dosing and am also a strong advocate.
Until this Monday, I was testing weekly -- I had enough strips that I could afford to test this frequently. With my strip supply starting to dwindle, I thought it would be safe to go to once every two weeks.
My past tests have all be in range - actually, chasing the high end of the range. My last test, on the 18th, was a 3.1.
Something told me that I should go to a test every ten days, so I tested today. During the last week, I haven't had as many meals, and I've had Romaine lettuce and tomato sandwiches with my wife (one of perhaps two daily meals).
Today - ten days after my last test - I was quite surprised to get a value of 1.1. I couldn't believe it, so I repeated the test -- still 1.1. I contacted Alere to see what happens if the strips get too hot -- I was told that if they get too hot, I'd be getting QC or other error messages, but no results.
I tried with a newer lot of strips -- and got a 1.3. Apparently my INR took a nosedive during the last 10 days. Now, I'm sorry I didn't test on Monday - one week after the previous test. If my INR was dropping then, I could have made some minor adjustments. (For those of you with doctors who say that two or three weeks between tests is okay, let my story be a good reference.)
So -- I'm faced with some decisions. I can't afford Lovenox and don't know if I'd take it even if I had a doctor and medical insurance. I don't think I missed a dose of warfarin - but this could help explain the 1.1.
I usually take 49 mg/week (7 a day), and I know I took my 7 mg last night. I also know that, even at 1.1, I don't want to make any dramatic changes to my dosing. I just took 5 mg (getting the eventual climb 12 hours before I usually take my warfarin shouldn't hurt), and I'll take 3 mg tonight at bedtime. I'll probably do the same tomorrow. I'll drop back to 7 on Sunday, and test on Monday. If the INR is back up, I'll assume that either I missed a dose on Monday or Tuesday, or my new diet had something to do with it, or both.
I'm not sure about curtailing activities (I'm supposed to help out at a Barbeque tonight) because of this lower INR, but I think about Dick's problem when he missed some doses.
Any thoughts from the experts out there?
Until this Monday, I was testing weekly -- I had enough strips that I could afford to test this frequently. With my strip supply starting to dwindle, I thought it would be safe to go to once every two weeks.
My past tests have all be in range - actually, chasing the high end of the range. My last test, on the 18th, was a 3.1.
Something told me that I should go to a test every ten days, so I tested today. During the last week, I haven't had as many meals, and I've had Romaine lettuce and tomato sandwiches with my wife (one of perhaps two daily meals).
Today - ten days after my last test - I was quite surprised to get a value of 1.1. I couldn't believe it, so I repeated the test -- still 1.1. I contacted Alere to see what happens if the strips get too hot -- I was told that if they get too hot, I'd be getting QC or other error messages, but no results.
I tried with a newer lot of strips -- and got a 1.3. Apparently my INR took a nosedive during the last 10 days. Now, I'm sorry I didn't test on Monday - one week after the previous test. If my INR was dropping then, I could have made some minor adjustments. (For those of you with doctors who say that two or three weeks between tests is okay, let my story be a good reference.)
So -- I'm faced with some decisions. I can't afford Lovenox and don't know if I'd take it even if I had a doctor and medical insurance. I don't think I missed a dose of warfarin - but this could help explain the 1.1.
I usually take 49 mg/week (7 a day), and I know I took my 7 mg last night. I also know that, even at 1.1, I don't want to make any dramatic changes to my dosing. I just took 5 mg (getting the eventual climb 12 hours before I usually take my warfarin shouldn't hurt), and I'll take 3 mg tonight at bedtime. I'll probably do the same tomorrow. I'll drop back to 7 on Sunday, and test on Monday. If the INR is back up, I'll assume that either I missed a dose on Monday or Tuesday, or my new diet had something to do with it, or both.
I'm not sure about curtailing activities (I'm supposed to help out at a Barbeque tonight) because of this lower INR, but I think about Dick's problem when he missed some doses.
Any thoughts from the experts out there?