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  1. N

    APB - for a member named "Zipper2"

    Zipper- You are missed. Please let us know how things are going.
  2. N

    Help! Beyond scared to DEATH!

    The more you read and research your medical condition, the better it is for you. Knowledge is power and knowledge will help you be less fearful. Most of the things we are scared of are things we don't understand. This site has a Reference Forum. Go there and open up the threads there. You will...
  3. N

    Lookin for anyone that has had a stroke post surgery

    It's hard to say because the symptoms could be subtle. But if it were Joe, I would be looking for lapses in cognition (he's there but isn't responsive), complaints of bad headaches, of course- any eye problems (he must tell you about those right away, no ifs ands or buts, and you take him right...
  4. N

    Lookin for anyone that has had a stroke post surgery

    Keep your eye out for anything odd in his behavior. Joe's neurologist was even able to determine which area of the brain the TIA passed through just by the symptoms we gave him. Some of these symptoms are pretty fleeting and temporary and your husband may not recognize them for what they are...
  5. N

    Lookin for anyone that has had a stroke post surgery

    I understand that he had a major stroke and is now having mini strokes. Have his doctors referred to his mini strokes as TIAs? If so, my husband had many TIAs (transient ischemic attacks) which are tiny pieces of debris in the bloodstream that pass through the brain and cause temporary...
  6. N

    Why not !!!!!!!!!

    I think that any exercise that causes the body to build internal pressures, and that would include just about any weight type or isometric type exercise would probably not make your cardiologist happy prior to this surgery. If Pilates causes these type of stresses (resistance pressure, tension...
  7. N

    Help! Beyond scared to DEATH!

    Hi Angel- I helped my husband through so many thoracic surgeries and other things. Of course, you are scared out of your mind, who wouldn't be. So allow yourself that indulgence. It's a natural thing. Once you allow yourself that, then you can relax a little and not get all nervous because you...
  8. N

    next step for joey in controlling afib; pls keep fingers crossed!

    Sounds good. I pray that this will be the answer for Joey!
  9. N

    Why not !!!!!!!!!

    Any exercise that causes a forceful Valsalva maneuver can cause problems with a compromised heart, having to do with internal forces and hemodynamics, heart fill etc.. Listen to your doctor and do as he says, until the problem is corrected.
  10. N

    over a week till surgery

    Luke, I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but make sure your wife or another relative has a Power of Attorney to act in your behalf when you can't and also make sure that this person also is your Health Care proxy and has written permission from you to speak with your doctors. I...
  11. N

    Miss Sally Sue is gone

    Oh, Ann- I am so sorry to hear this. I know how much you loved Miss Sally Sue, and she loved you right back. I remember the little stories of her exploits from time to time, and they always made me smile. Here is a site with the Rainbow Bridge set to music. It always brings tears to my eyes...
  12. N

    Pretty Mallard ducks on the pond this morning

    It's probably about 30' X 20' and has a tiny plant-able island in the middle and a couple of large rocks for perching on. Not big enough for more than a pair of ducks. In the spring, the green frogs mate there and the pond is filled right now with tadpoles which I guess the ducks are feasting...
  13. N


    Can you explain your seizures a little more? My husband had many TIAs (transient ischemic attacks) which are tiny pieces of debris in the bloodstream that pass through the brain and cause temporary symptoms. They can be tiny blood clots, cholesterol or other plaque getting into the bloodstream...
  14. N

    Pretty Mallard ducks on the pond this morning

    Well, this morning, the mom Mallard is sitting on the tiny island in the middle of the pond surrounded by tall plants and the drake is standing by her on the pond edge. So, Chris, you might be right, ducklings may be in the picture in a while.
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    After 35-years, I'm still here!!!

    Congratulations! You have a lot to celebrate!
  16. N

    Radical Sternectomy

    I think you are a miracle man and testament to how much the body can recover from. You have been through so much and have the scars to remind you. But you are alive and are able to continue on with your life. Best wishes to you!
  17. N

    Pretty Mallard ducks on the pond this morning

    No ducklings, never thought of that. I'll have to look at the pond every day early on. I don't know if it is one time thing and they were just resting, or if they really like it there. I did see ducks there once before a long time ago. I do have a little dog who might not like an invasion of her...
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    Pretty Mallard ducks on the pond this morning

    It's a Panasonic Lumix
  19. N

    Pretty Mallard ducks on the pond this morning

    This pretty pair of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard was on my pond early this morning.
  20. N

    This just in - DON'T SNEEZE !!!

    If you feel the urge to sneeze coming on, take your index finger and press it hard just under your nose. This is a pressure point and it will prevent the sneeze.