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  1. olefin

    Retired & Moved

    Sorry, it's already sold.
  2. olefin

    Retired & Moved

    Philip, congratulations on your retirement and moving to a Arizona! We like Arizona. We once gave some though of buying this place near Durango, CO but was afraid we wouldn't like the cold winters. I retired at age 54 and never been bored a day.
  3. olefin

    Missed Dose

    I'm another that skipping a dose or even cutting back drops my INR like a rock. I've never missed a dose but have skipped couple days several times when INR got to 6 and above. Recently wanted to lowered INR a little due to upcoming dental surgery. INR was 3.3, cut dosage 5%, 6 days later on...
  4. olefin

    If you don't love this one, check your pulse.

    If that doesn't bring tears, nothing will. Thanks Ross
  5. olefin

    30 years ago

    Ross and wife, congratulations on your 30th. Here's to many more.. Talon sure is a cute one! Another 24 years and you'll catch us. :cool: Wife had just turned 17 and graduated from high school a few days before we married, I was 21.
  6. olefin

    Vitamin k ?

    They tried to feed me that terrible stuff, I'd hold my nose and try my best to drink it, finally gave up. But I couldn't stand the taste, smell of any food. Didn't stop them from sending a can with every meal. Wife would place the cans on the window sill. By the time I went home the window was...
  7. olefin

    St. Jude Busted

    Interesting! Gee, they got a GREAT product, no need to cheat. :thumbup:
  8. olefin

    Free Coaguchek XS Monitor !

    The web site says the INRato2 is free with the purchase of 6 boxes of test strips and.....
  9. olefin

    The more oil spills change, the more they stay the same.

    Now come on, we all know it's Bush's fault. :wink2: I've heard you know who say that many times. :rolleyes2: I worked in the oil patch for a while. My job was first run a small tool on a wireline down the open hole to find open hole size. The drilling superintendent provided the new pipe size...
  10. olefin

    What are the differences in Home Testing Devices?

    I have the INRatio2, from what I hear the new CoaguChek is about the same. The INRatio2 seems fool proof. I prefer the 21 gauge, seems to get a better sample. Can't help you with price of test strips, Medicare is paying for mine.
  11. olefin

    10 things your hospital won't tell you

    Good links! I remember the last thing before I went out on the operating table was telling them to be sure and change out the right valve! We use to have a neighbor surgeon that amputated the wrong leg while being intoxicated. He moved to another state.
  12. olefin

    Canadian Smoke

    Hope no one is injured in the fires. Will be in Quebec City again this September. Beautiful place but we don't speak French. :wink2: Been in Canada several times, our favorite is those Canadian Rockies.
  13. olefin

    On lighter side - blade shaving on Coumadin ok?

    Been using those GREAT Noreclo's for 54 years. I've bought 3 new ones over the years. Don't use it as much as I did before retireing over 20 years ago but I still shave part of my face every day. :biggrin2: And I don't eat ice cream every day. :tongue2: I still get a laugh about anyone taking...
  14. olefin

    On lighter side - blade shaving on Coumadin ok?

    When I first saw this thread I thought it was about shaving with a straight razor. Don't laugh, I learn to shave with my dads straight razor. Those safety razors were too expensive. After I went in the Air Force I purchased my first safety razor. Wife bought me a Norelco soon after we married...
  15. olefin

    Paranoid about hospital infections.

    Nancy, from what I read, hand sanitizing only kills only 99% of germs and has no effect on the worse ones, of which one of those is C-Diff. "The bug is becoming a major problem for hospitals because it spreads easily. Traditional cleansers and hand sanitizers fail to neutralize its spores...
  16. olefin

    Started new position at hospital

    You sure won't have to go far for a doc. Glad you like your new job. I worked swing shift for 16 years, changed shifts every 7 days. My favorite was graveyard shift, most people hated it.
  17. olefin

    In honor of Memorial Day

    Thanks Ross. Very appropriate for Memorial day.
  18. olefin

    INR too high?

    During the last 19 years my INR has been over 6 many times. No problem, stopped warfarin for couple days, started back at lower dose and retested in a few days. I've had blood in my urine two different times before I took warfarin and once after, INR was in normal range. My first...
  19. olefin

    Mystery bruises

    I've been taking 81 mg aspirin and warfarin for almost 19 years. No problem with bruising and I've had INR more than 6 many times. Your bruising sounds very strange and if it was myself I would see a doctor ASAP. Good luck.
  20. olefin

    Will I have to withdraw from caffeine?

    I don't remember anyone telling me to cut back on caffeine. Have been addicted to Diet Coke ever since aspartame came on the market. And always have 3, 4 or more cups black coffee at breakfast. Also love ice tea. The last couple years we been buying half decaff/regular coffee. But I've never had...