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  1. Rain

    Why are you where you are?

    It may take a book to make ya all understand...... It may take a book to make ya all understand...... Evelyn, YES!! Please do plan your travels around our reunion. That would be fantastic!! :)
  2. Rain

    MRI and mechnical valves

    If they don't ask to see your card... be scared. Just kidding!! If they don't ask to see your card... be scared. Just kidding!! Janet, I've had two MRIs of the brain since my surgery. Each time they asked to see my card. The number on the card tells them if your valve is MRI compatible...
  3. Rain

    So sick!

    Stay strong, Nan!! Stay strong, Nan!! Nan, I am so sorry!! For some reason I've been thinking of my old heart buddies a lot lately. Maybe because my OHS anniversary is getting closer, I don't know. But I feel so close to those people I communicated with at that time. What a special bond...
  4. Rain

    difficult times

    So sorry to hear of your troubles. So sorry to hear of your troubles. Hi Sylvia, It's amazing how we're able to handle things we thought we never could when we're faced with them... although we may all do it differently. Thinking of you, Joey and your family. Rain
  5. Rain

    The 7 Year Itch.... It's that time!

    Seven years. Seven years. Congratulations robthatsyou!!! :) Can you believe it’s been 7 years?!! :eek: Wow... It seems so long ago, yet almost like yesterday. I was between being told, “your heart won’t survive the surgery” :eek: and “It’s time... ASAP”. :eek: :eek: What a scary time in...
  6. Rain

    Not good news about my husband....

    Thinking of you Thinking of you Praline, Please know that I am thinking of you and your family. So many of us have been through a similar situation. It's sure good to hear you have your family there with you. That's as important as anything.... at least it was to me.
  7. Rain

    St. Patrick's Day - 8 years ago, anniversary to remember!

    Happy heart / St. Patricks Day!! Happy heart / St. Patricks Day!! Time flies.... can you believe we've been a part of each other's lives for so many years? That is the one blessing in OHS.... heart buddies. AND BEN....... take it back!!! :mad: You tell Gina she can have at least ONE...
  8. Rain

    Happy Birthday, Blanche!

    Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Blanche!! Happy Birthday to you!! :D Hope you are having a most excellent day!
  9. Rain

    Back I am ... Radio Return, Pacemaker Placement

    Hey there Cort! Hey there Cort! So happy to hear your brand new pacemaker is installed and ready to go. :) Ya never know when you may need it..... visited the fruits and vegetables part of the store lately? :p Cort, sweetheart..... there is no such thing as a 'wierd' chest in this group...
  10. Rain

    Bovine Vs. Porcine

    Little red spots... yep, I got 'em. Little red spots... yep, I got 'em. Ross, You aren’t going to believe it.... but I have a flower bed shaped like a tear drop in my back yard, it’s surrounded by a concrete patio and sidewalks so it stays very warm and dry in there..... right out in the...
  11. Rain

    Bovine Vs. Porcine

    Welcome back! Welcome back! Eric, You ornery little devil.... :p haven?t you heard the phrase, ?let sleeping dogs? lie. :D Sorry to hear your recovery has been such a pain.... ya shoulda e-mailed me. :D :D Susan.... I don?t eat meat. :eek: But I do wear leather. :D And could care...
  12. Rain

    What does it feel like when you wake up?

    Please don't be afraid. Please don't be afraid. Linda, Don’t let that scare you. For me the going under was the hard part. We’d all been happily discussing how cold the ER room was and why (germs don’t like cold is what they told me). Next thing I know my favorite cowboy comes in the room...
  13. Rain

    Christmas in Germany

    I just love your pictures, Rob!! I just love your pictures, Rob!! Wow, Rob!! You lucky little bugger, you. Your pictures of Germany are always so beautiful. So sweet of you to share them with us. :) Check out this picture Gina and Jan!! :D Oh, the memories......... :D
  14. Rain

    Happy Birthday, Billie!

    Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy (belated) Bithday Billy!! :D I've had a grandbaby too!! :D That little guy is ADORABLE!! Where's his shoesie twosies?!! :eek:
  15. Rain

    Joseph Pennell June 12th, 1931 to December 22,2006

    My condolences. My condolences. Nancy, I?m so very sorry for your loss. I couldn?t believe it could be ?our? Joe. We?ve all come to think of him as ?one of us?. Please know I?m thinking of you. I'm so thankful that Joe went peacefully. Take care.
  16. Rain


    Thank you all!! Thank you all!! You can?t get anything by, Dave! :p Thank you all from a very white and snowy Colorado. It?s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... :D Sing it with me now... lol :D Heck no, Janie.... I?m still celebrating my 29th birthday!! :D Thanks again...
  17. Rain

    35th Anniversary of 2 Mechanical Valves

    Joann is a very special lady. Joann is a very special lady. Hello John & Joann!! I always remember the anniversary of Joann’s heart valve..... it’s the day after my birthday! :) I’m so happy to hear that Joann is feeling well and traveling the US! Speaking of which....!! I sure hope you...
  18. Rain

    Where've you lived?

    Colorado Colorado Hey Cort! Good to see you are back with us! :D We do miss you. This has been an interesting thread to read. Wow... Karlynns right... it sorta seems like we're all from the same neighborhood as we converse here on the net. It's interesting to pause and consider where...
  19. Rain

    What is the politically correct term for

    Biggest Pet Peeve Biggest Pet Peeve You know what makes me madder than smashed bread..... (That's a pretty good line!) :D When the cashier or bagger is obviously sick. There they are coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose.... all the while touching every single item you?re...
  20. Rain

    Hensylee's birthday tomorrow

    Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!! It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. It can't get any better than spending it with your children! :) I really liked your glove gift!!