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  1. Rich

    Aorta valve replacement and medication

    Valve selection is a tough and personal decision. You are very fortunate to have found this site. When I was facing this there were no resources like this site. I was 58 at that time and my surgeon said I was too young for a tissue valve, so I ended up with my St. Jude and it's been great...
  2. Rich

    My 7th Anniversary

    Congratulations Jan and many more to come. Rich
  3. Rich

    Happy Birthday Nan, Tony and Marcia B

    Happy Birthday to all. Tony it's been a long time since I've seen you, hope all is well. Rich
  4. Rich

    Debora Gina Turk March 19, 1965 - December 29th, 2008

    This is very sad news. When one of us old timers pass away it is kind of expected. But when one so young and brave loses their life, it is horrible. Rich
  5. Rich

    Must be something wrong

    We are like Dina. Last night we got together with all our kids. Today we are sitting home and relaxing, the kids are with their in-laws today. I don't wear jammies like she does, so I did get dressed but not real pretty. Rich
  6. Rich

    What is it with people?

    Ross, All we can do is look after ourselves, and continue to do our best to educate these dumbells. I carry copies of the info you sent me whenever I go to a doctor's office. The first stupid comment I receive from a doctor or their staff, I stick copies in their face and tell them to read. I do...
  7. Rich

    The Cleveland Browns.........

    Well you know I am and always have been a Browns fan. Cleveland is still my 'homeland'. Our family down there is really upset with them. BUT as I tell them you could be living up here in the Detroit area. The Lions are ready to set a record that no one else has ever acheived. They well may...
  8. Rich

    Inch by Inch

    I really liked it when it was still measured in yards, but at this age it is come down to inch by inch.:eek: Rich
  9. Rich

    37 Years and Still Ticking!!!

    I'm also late as usual lately. Congratulations Joann and hopefully many more to come. Rich
  10. Rich

    How long were you in the hospital?

    My surgery was on Monday, went home Saturday morning. Would have been Friday morning but they aggravated an old rib injury during the surgery. It took a whole day to convince them it had nothing to do with my heart. Rich
  11. Rich

    Dec. 11th -- 33 years ago ..........

    Norma, Congratulations on 33 years, you are a real inspiration. For all your troubles it was just meant to be because now you are with the right person. Rich
  12. Rich

    Coumadin and Nexium

    Al and Ross, I havn't been around lately but that is the list I was referring to. I also just received a letter from Astra Zeneca, offering me another discount on Nexium. In the letter received was another list of possible drug interactions, and the most important one they stressed was warfarin...
  13. Rich

    Coumadin and Nexium

    Scott, Based on my personal experience Nexium can have a VERY heavy impact on your INR. After beginning Nexium I had to decrease my weekly dosage of Coumadin by 20%. When I stopped using it earlier this year(after two and a half years on it), I had to increase my weekly dosage of Coumadin by a...
  14. Rich

    If you didn't know ?

    For me age is only a number( I'm 70 at this time). You are only as old as you feel. At this time in our life any of us could drop, so get out there and enjoy everyday like it was your last. My dad dropped at 64 and his father at 44, so I feel lucky to still be here. Rich
  15. Rich

    A little more music fun Got this yesterday, kind of fun.
  16. Rich

    For Rich

    Cort, Please remember this is a loan, unlike the banks and so forth this will be paid back with interest. Also everyone must understand I am not a big fan of GM myself for reaons I won't mention. And Cort if it wasn't for the mess our government created, you would have already be looking at a...
  17. Rich

    For Rich

    Ross, We are not sure what they did at Hoover during those times. My wife's sister worked there for many years, but now she is in a local nursing home down there because she has dimentia or altzheimers, doesn't really know anybody. A number of my wife's family worked at Timken forever but they...
  18. Rich

    For Rich

    Bob, I think it would be good to go back to work. I have a lot tougher 'boss' since I retired.:eek: We really hope the government gets off their behinds and does something soon. This is a loan not a bailout. It's far different then giving all that cash to these banks, and then watching them...
  19. Rich

    For Rich

    Thanks Ross, That was good, I did receive your e-mail of it. Some very interesting times we are going thru. I guess only time will tell. Rich
  20. Rich

    Joke time

    Here is one of my favorites....good for us old folks Here is one of my favorites....good for us old folks A 92yr old man goes to his doctor and asks him to prescribe Viagra. The doctor trying to be as diplomatic as possible says 'Sir with all due respect don't you think your'e a little old to...