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  1. L

    Legs like jello

    I have been trying to walk outside in the evenings. I am only able to go just a little over 100 yards when walking. It isn't my heart that is bothering me, but my legs feel like jello and they just give out. Is this normal??? 14 days post op!
  2. L

    It's time for valve replacement, 3 yrs from repair

    Harry I will place you on my prayer list at my church. Miracles do happen. I pray you find a job that pays even more than what you were making previously and even better insurance coverage. Don't give up!
  3. L

    I thought it was about time I said hello!

    Welcome to our family. If not for these boards, I would have never made it.
  4. L

    Could I have diabetes?

    I was asked after surgery if I had ever been told I have diabetes. My blood sugar went wacky after surgery. I've never been told I have it so they were kind of concerned. All of my vitamins (B-6, B-12, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.) went totally haywire after OHS.
  5. L

    My dad went back to work today

    I have 12 weeks short term disability and then I kick into my summer vacation as a teacher. I am going to use all 12 weeks and then my summer and devote myself to my health with cardio rehab, etc. This is one time I am going to learn to slow down and take care of me. By next school year I should...
  6. L

    Vocal chord surgery--due to intubation?

    I am having to see an ENT next week for the same thing. Even though I'm only 14 days out, they said I should be able to talk by now. My ent does steroid injections first, so we will see.
  7. L

    Feeling of my own heart driving me MAD!

    I have a St. Jude and the conduit.....14 days post op. The only time I really hear mine is at bedtime and flat on my back. I really don't notice it.....nor does my family. My 19 year old college student was home this past week and she loved laying in the recliner with her head on my chest so...
  8. L

    When did you start driving? Any advice?

    I am 14 days post op and they told me at least 6 weeks. I have no desire to drive so I guess I am okay. I like hubby driving me in the nasty Houston traffice so guess I'll do okay.
  9. L

    Robin Williams

    What a joke. I took my full 12 week short term leave and then have the summer off as a teacher. I can't even imagine right now at day 14 post op going back to work. I am shocked what this surgery did to my body. I never imagined ever feeling this bad.
  10. L

    Ist Post Since Surgery

    Glad to see you are doing well. I am one day ahead of you. My taste buds are so messed up. I told my hubby to have me a nice iced coked ready for when I could have it. The thought of a coke makes me ill. I am basically drinking water because it has no taste. I've lived on popsicles. It seems all...
  11. L

    It is ME!!!

    Yippee. I am so glad to hear from you. I am glad you have the nausea under control. Anything that begins with "per" I can't take. I make sure they charted NO percodan or percocet for me. I too am on Darvocet and it just touches what I need because I don't want to be drugged up. I look forward...
  12. L

    How do you sleep?

    I am 12 days post op and have been home 3 days. I find the bed very challenging, but my husband finally rolled me at a tilt and stuffed pillows behind my back. Sleeping is the only time I am using my Darvocet as it helps relieve pressure and pain and just takes the edge off of things. Hubby...
  13. L

    3-20 Update on Carole

    I am just glad to know it's part of the process. Nobody gave the up before surgery. The sweet is just sickening. I love chocolate, but can't even think about it. My stepdaughter sent me a choc. Easter Bunny and I thought I was going to be ill.
  14. L

    Hello, I'm new and I'm scared!

    Hi John, Welcome aboard! My name is Trina and I am 11 days post op. My story is similar to yours. I have always been told I had a little heart murmer due to being a 2 lb. baby 49 years ago. They discovered my bi-cuspid aortic valve when I went in for a sore throat one day...ended up leaving to...
  15. L

    Hello's Trina

    Hey Deb, I am doing fair. Each day gets better. I feel as though I am carrying around 1000 lbs. in my chest and the incisions are beginning to itch. I still have no appetite, but it isn't going to hurt me to lose a few pounds anyway. I am sleeping in bed now. Hubby just gets me in and uses lots...
  16. L

    If you were in my shoes....

    10 days post op I am probably not the best person to respond, but I don't think I could ever do this again. This has taken a toll on my and I'm not a weakling. I am just curious.....can a woman not get a mechanical valve and then have a scheduled c-section? This is probably a stupid question...
  17. L

    3-20 Update on Carole

    The loss of appetite is normal I think. It is taking everything I have to get anything down. I have wanted nothing but iced water, popsicles, and cold things. My taste buds are really acting up. Everything tastes so sweet I can't tolerate it. I am a heck of a coke drinker, but can't stand the...
  18. L

    Er (tv)

    Heck, why watch ER when you have Dr. House out there....hehe.
  19. L

    Now I have to see an ENT

    I talked with my surgeon's nurse today to see if there was anything I could do to make my throat feel better. Since the tube, I have not been able to barely talk. She said this should have cleared by now. They have given me an ent name and said cortisone shots normally take care of post op tube...
  20. L

    Carole is doing really good.

    Tell her I am thinking about her. I miss talking with her.