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  1. hook

    Echo result

    A minor change may mean you had extra fluids on board that day; this can often cause "minor" changes in echo reading. If it were me I would go back in 6 months, watch the salt, lay off weight lifting, and stay in shape.
  2. hook

    Frustrated and angry

    This is a personal choice, and I went with a mechanical. I am 45 years old and do not want to do this again. Aside from almost losing my job, this process was incredibly difficult for my family. Heart surgery recovery is very complicated, and every time you have it done more damage you do to...
  3. hook

    Have any of you ever experienced odd dizziness or vision issues?

    I have had a few vertigo type episodes, but I think that was caused by all the meds. You never know what kind of reaction you will get when you make pill soup.
  4. hook

    Anyone ever have a feeling of fullness and heart pressure after eating a normal meal?

    Since your current device is no longer effective for your condition< I would think your EP could write a letter of medical necessity to your insurance and get an upgraded device. Have them look into the St Judes Fortify. It has some incredible new features.
  5. hook

    Anyone ever have a feeling of fullness and heart pressure after eating a normal meal?

    Me to Me to I just read this for the first time, but felt I needed to reply. You and I are very similar; I have a severely leaking mitral valve, from what I guess was about 3 years. DO NOT be fooled by skinny ankles, as a leaky mitral valve may not cause edema at all. The leaky mitral valve...
  6. hook

    Good blood work, what counts most

    Those numbers are great, way to go There was a time several years ago when my numbers looked like this Total Cholesterol - unable to calculate LDL 225:eek2: HDL 20:eek2: Triglycerdies 730:eek2: They didn't even know these numbers were achievable. At the time I was eating well, running 5 days...
  7. hook

    Health Care reforms 1st phase USA

    Consider it shoved, because I think it is sad if adults can not discuss something that is very relevant to us all. :mad2:
  8. hook

    Young Adults

    Mortality rates are often BS. You have to consider the sample size of patients where this information was derived. Most people who need valves are indeed later in life, many very later in life. When you consider the age of these folks I understand the numbers. To make a conclusion for you...
  9. hook

    Off Amioderone this week, fingers crossed

    I have been on it for 3 months, and the amio did get rid of the afib. Even though I am on Beta blockers, I do notice a higher heart rate; my resting HR had gotten down to 65bpm, and now it is back up to 72bpm. So far it has been 5 days, and no afib. This stuff takes a while to get out of your...
  10. hook

    Health Care reforms 1st phase USA

    The first phase of the health care reforms kick in today. The one that interest me the most is: NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM!! The parts that deal with dependant kids until 26, and no excluding a childs pre-exisiting conditions seem great also. I am a hard core conservative, but I think these things...
  11. hook

    How has your life improved?

    No more chest congestion, or feeling like I have a cold. Better energy level. Most importantly, no more antisipation. Because of my cardiomyopathy I am in no way cured, but I am glad it is done.
  12. hook

    PVCs...any tricks????

    My PVCs have gotten a little better with going up to 50mg a day of coreg, plus the med is good for other heart related issues that may help remodeling. A lot of people have bad things to say about coreg, but I am a fan of th med. I am trying taking 3 to 4 grams a day of pure fish oil to help...
  13. hook

    Off Amioderone this week, fingers crossed

    Now that I have the ICD in place, I was told to stop the amioderone, and bump up my coreg to pre surgery dosages of 25mgs twice. I also talked my cardio into giving me a prescription for prescription fish oil. There is a trial here at Vandy testing high dosages of pure fish oil to see if it...
  14. hook

    Where did you get Coaguchek XS Machine/Did insurance cover it?

    I have the coagucheck xs and it works fine. It does seem to read a few points higher than my blood draws, but it is consistant so I try to keep my range in the middle.
  15. hook

    Today really sucked

    I am with you on the tired of being sick ideology. I am glad you have those moments like the ones with your grandchildren to make it all worth the fight.
  16. hook

    Home PT Testing

    I use it and test every week. I find that it is about .4 over what the lad draws show, but I can predict this variance so it is no big deal. You should get your doctor to write a letter to your insuance and say exactly this. "My patient will be on coumadin for the rest of his/her life due...
  17. hook

    Palps after dinner

    Don't be fooled that you are ok because your ankles and wrist d o not swell. I had severe symptoms for three years, and my cardio looked at my skinny ankles and sent me on to the pulmonologist. The whole time it was my mitral valve. Different valves provide different symptoms. Here were...
  18. hook

    new aortic valve loomin.....choices

    I am a St Jude mitral valve, and I can certainly hear it. After a while it is no big deal. If the on-x offers better hemodynamics, needing less anti coagulation, I would ask your surgeon if he is comfortable with that one.
  19. hook

    Slow Heart Rate

    Does your slow heart beat feel like a pounding, or is it normal feeling. A couple months after surgery I went in and out of a 40bpm sinus. Mine was an electrical glitch.
  20. hook

    Mechanical Valve Question

    I have a St Jude, and I can hear it in most places. The loudest place is in the bathroom. It is a little freaky at first, but after a while it is no big deal. I am fine with the tried and true, but if I had a choice I would have gone with the on-x. As for my choice of valve type; I would not...