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  1. sunflowergirl

    Help wanted!

    I am thinking about you today.....waiting to hear your updates.....Robin
  2. sunflowergirl

    My scar at 7 weeks 2 days

    wow...looks great....thanks for sharing
  3. sunflowergirl

    Week 9 scar / tanline

    I just asked this question Monday at my post op follow up. She said to give it a full year. Sun will darken the scar and then when your tan goes away...the scar will remain dark. I believe this because my son, 14 yo, just had appendix surgery in March. Just 3 little lines on his side, but he...
  4. sunflowergirl

    pain medicine reduction? at what point in time?

    Hi Julie, I am at 2 weeks 1 day and I have been on Vicodin every 4 hours and have been slowly increasing my hours in between. I have the shoulder ache too.....but i have times when it seems better. I also have hip/lower back pain/ache. I really am blaming that on having to sleep so still and...
  5. sunflowergirl

    2 weeks Post op

    Here is a pic of my scar on Tuesday (12 days). I am so thankful it is low (I actually owe that thanks to this forum too, because I believe it was Andy that said ask the surgeon about it the morning of surgery) I am doing pretty well actually. I did have a little scare last thursday. I seem...
  6. sunflowergirl

    Going to the cardiologist for the first time..

    Just to add my experience to the mix....My surgery was 4 hours and I had the breathing tube out in 3 hours after I was brought to CICU. My family has funny stories about me trying to move my hands and point to the tube. I remember trying to point to it to tell them to take it out. But I do...
  7. sunflowergirl

    My OHS Sister Penny!

    Penny, tomorrow will be 2 weeks post op for me and honestly I feel great. I have a few issues but really when I look back to where you are now I remember that scared helpless and out of control is so so much easier on this side. Once it is all over....I hope you feel the same...
  8. sunflowergirl

    Home Today thanks to my loving husband

    Glad you are doing well. :)
  9. sunflowergirl

    Chest and abdominal pain

    I too have flashing of light when i sit or stand.....Is that migraine auras?
  10. sunflowergirl

    6 days post op- Pain Questions

    no no fever....but very flush and have hot flashes. I am staggering them 2 hours. I almost wonder if just 800 mg ibuprofen would be enough and all the side effects would go away. I am also on legs and ankles became very swollen. 16lbs of fluid......I have a very dry mouth but...
  11. sunflowergirl

    6 days post op- Pain Questions

    Ok...I am 6 days post op and my pain is just not being managed well. I wanted to know what pain combination some of you were placed on at this point in time? I am on Vicodin 5/500 1 pill every 4 hours and Tramadol 50mg 1 pill every 4 hours......I am so dizzy and sensitive to noise but am...
  12. sunflowergirl

    4 days post op

    thanks for all the well wishes. My first full day at home today went ok.....the morning was rough...we just need to get the pain meds under control...can't let too much time go by in between. I sat at the dinner table and had real food. And now I am on my laptop feeling pretty normal. I am...
  13. sunflowergirl

    4 days post op

    Here I am ...we just took this picture. I am about to get my shower and go home....I feel pretty good and my scar is pretty low :) I am soo glad this part is over Robin
  14. sunflowergirl

    Robin's Surgery has completed

    Robin Update Robin Update Hi all, it's currently almost 9pm. I'm sitting next to Robin reading her all the replys. She says Thank you very much. Last night was definitely a tough night, they did remove her breathing tube around 7pm or so. She was still in alot of pain due to the chest...
  15. sunflowergirl

    Robin's Surgery has completed

    Hi all, my wife's surgery has completed. Robin was scheduled for 7am, we arrived at 5:30am, we were then told that her surgery was going to be delayed for several hours due to 2 transplant emergency's. Fortunately they were able to get her in at 9am and were operating at 10am. Surgery...
  16. sunflowergirl

    more news from surgeon

    Angel I am having both and may have root replaced too.....He wants to see how it looks when he gets in there. I hope you do not need fingers are crossed for you. But if you do, it is all going to be fine. Better to get it all fixed at once. Thinking of you, Robin
  17. sunflowergirl

    New to Forum

    not a smoker so no help there....but I just had a cath (my surgery is tomorrow) and honestly I was all worried but it went very smoothly and the one needle stick I remember was the IV in my arm....I do not remember any others. You are in a kinda twilight can speak and hear ...but...
  18. sunflowergirl

    Tomorrow is my day.......

    hi....thanks for all the thoughts and wishes. I feel alittle more ready.....just a little
  19. sunflowergirl

    New to this side of mountain

    thank you for posting.....I am glad you are doing well :) Robin
  20. sunflowergirl

    Julie surgery complete glad to hear that it is going well....please tell her Robin is thinking of her.