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  1. P

    Can you trust your dentist?

    Does this mean that you sleep in your dentist's office? Did he set up a bedroom for you? Does he mind that you'll never leave his office? Etc. (Yeah, only exploiting your wording).
  2. P

    Can you trust your dentist?

    Thanks. Woodland Hills isn't too far from me. I'll have to see if he is a provider for my dental insurance.
  3. P

    Nice to have a spare meter

    I've had no trouble with the machine waking up when a strip is inserted - on either the XS or the Pro. Their advice may be badly dated -- or they changed the way the meter works because many people were inserting the strips before powering the meter on.
  4. P

    using AI to do the work for you

    AI has killed freelance for many writers, myself included Some magazines have even stopped using ANY freelance writers and, I believe, have even fired staff writers and editor, instead using AI for 'writing,' and in some cases using made up names (and photos) of authors. The articles use...
  5. P

    Nice to have a spare meter

    Years ago when I was learning more about networking, one of my instructors used an interesting (to me) acronym -- DTF. This meant dumb things first. For electronics that aren't working, do things like checking if they're plugged in. Check to see if all connectors are actually connected. Etc...
  6. P

    Nice to have a spare meter

    I read the manual for the XS. It said that if I insert a strip before starting the meter, I might get an error message and the strip may be unusable. I don't entirely buy that. I've been starting the meter by inserting a strip. This wakes it up and forces it to run through the startup steps...
  7. P

    Warfarin Prescription and Anticoagulation Service

    I've dropped my INR below 2 - approaching 1 - and have had no issues either - but I brought it back up as soon as I could, by starting my standard dose after a procedure. It takes a while for a clot to form on the valve - a few days shouldn't be a big deal. If you or your doctor are really...
  8. P

    Can you trust your dentist?

    If the bridge requires ANY maintenance, I am a bad candidate for that. I won't want to remove it, brush it (or whatever), or do ANY care for it. I'd be even worse with dentures. At my age and current condition, it doesn't make sense to me to get an implant -- I may not live long enough to get...
  9. P

    Nice to have a spare meter

    I told one of the people here (I didn't forget you) that I would send the meter I got from my doctor's office. I will. The last two times I tried to test, my current meter gave me an error message as soon as I inserted a strip. I suspect that this has something to do with the strip guide, or...
  10. P

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    I didn't read through everything - sorry - but it's possible that the temporary blindness could be a side effect to Zyrtec. (Do you take Zyrtec?). A friend and I both have the same symptoms of Zyrtec - partial or complete blindness, resolving in 5 or 10 minutes, but scary as hell. Numbness in...
  11. P

    Can you trust your dentist?

    Yes, I think this is the right forum for this. I'm saying this because for all the years since I got my St. Jude aortic valve, the dentists wanted me to pre-medicate with 2 Grams of Amoxicillin before I visited them. This was to reduce the risk of endocarditis that is possible when the gums...
  12. P

    Warfarin Prescription and Anticoagulation Service

    tom in MO: We've gone over this before. I'm glad to see that the bottom of your range is NOT below 2.0, but I still think you should aim more for 2.5 - 3.0 than 2.0 - 2.5. Because meters (or lab tests) aren't always 'accurate,' a lab or meter score of 2.0 might be more like 1.6 or 1.7. This may...
  13. P

    Warfarin Prescription and Anticoagulation Service

    3mm: I was toying with the idea of using an 'anticoagulation clinic' to provide me with the machine and strips. I was concerned that the insurance pays a LOT for this 'service.' What put me completely off this clinic is that they don't allow for extra strips --- if I made testing errors (wasting...
  14. P

    Warfarin Prescription and Anticoagulation Service

    If it was me, I'd find a different doctor. My PCP prescribes the warfarin and trusts me with my self testing and self management. My cardio also trusts me to self test and self manage. I don't see how you're somehow LOCKED to this particular physician. Plus, if they mess up and prescribe...
  15. P

    The next stage of Cardiology?

    I have to wonder why your doctors just didn't switch you to something OTHER THAN metoprolol. I've just had an experience with a dentist that shakes my confidence a bit - I'll mention this in a different thread.
  16. P

    The next stage of Cardiology?

    When doctors (well, not all) can't find an answer to symptoms, they'll sometimes just give up and conclude that the problem is psychiatric, instead of clinical. I ran into this when I was an undergrad at UCLA. It took a student to hear my murmur and convince the 'real' doctors that my symptoms...
  17. P

    Post Aortic valve replacement. Are roller coasters safe to ride?

    Broken ribs DO hurt. I broke three last year, and may have cracked a couple last week. As far as the rules for riding the roller coaster - these are probably all CYA on the ride operator's part. It's designed so that they can't be sued for anything that happens on the ride.
  18. P

    Where are you getting your supplies?

    When you figure that the Reliaston offer of an InRange with 24 strips (which they sell for $128), plus the 10% off (SavewithReliaston), I'm not sure it a new InRange for a little more than $100 higher than the refurb with some cheap things thrown in (lancets? Alcohol wipes? Give me a break), the...
  19. P

    Where are you getting your supplies?

    I don't see a tremendous amount of advantages in the InRange, but because Roche has discontinued the XS, it's possible that at some future time, they may make strips that won't work in the XS meters (just speculation, and if they do, they'll probably take a few years to do this). The InRange...
  20. P

    New member with the usual dilemma

    I was given 25+ years warning that I will have to get my valve replaced. I probably shouldn't have waited so long. There was a weekend when I didn't feel good, felt weak, and my doctor at the time mentioned my 'third eye' messing with me - I was focused on my heart and my wife and I felt...