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  1. river-wear

    Severe measurements and no symptoms. I think its time.

    You're 51, not "old" by any measure, aside from the viewpoint of a child. Your description of stairs and chasing a dog sound like early symptoms to me. Looking back, I clearly wasn't having any symptoms - aside from (perhaps!) a little general fatigue. After waiting my whole life and being...
  2. river-wear

    Back in the hospital

    The food doesn't suck? That is indeed high praise for a hospital! I hope they let you out soon. :-)
  3. river-wear

    7 Weeks Post-Op

    If you want to try something to help you sleep, try Tylenol PM. I used that on the odd occasion after surgery (and it was approved by doctors). It does sound like you're on track. Just keep walking and it will keep getting better. A little shortness of breath isn't unusual. Do you monitor...
  4. river-wear

    Greetings From The CICU At HUP Philly

    Congratulations on getting some answers, Jim. It's great that you are feeling better and will get your valve taken care of soon. Best wishes for a speedy recovery wherever you end up!
  5. river-wear

    Greetings From The CICU At HUP Philly

    You're in fine hands at HUP! If you see Travis (best CICU nurse ever), say hi for me! He took care of me six months ago tomorrow. I got out of surgery too late to see him on the big day. Amazing how much better it is in the cardiac ward than the emergency room too, eh? Looks like if they go in...
  6. river-wear

    For UK members

    Thanks for posting, Anne. Those are sobering statistics that merit more study. The new guidelines here indicate that with a repaired valve, antibiotics aren't required. However, both my surgeon and cardiologist felt strongly that I should continue pre-medicating before getting my teeth...
  7. river-wear

    For UK members

    Thanks for posting, Anne. Those are sobering statistics that merit more study. The new guidelines here indicate that with a repaired valve, antibiotics aren't required. However, both my surgeon and cardiologist felt strongly that I should continue pre-medicating before getting my teeth...
  8. river-wear

    Palpitations and Pounding Heart

    I had the pounding too. Sometimes it was so bad I could count my pulse just by the feeling in my chest - no hands required. After a couple months I only felt it when taking a deep breath. Then about 3-4 months post-op it went away completely. I still get occasional palpitations. Around...
  9. river-wear

    Drainage Tube Incisions

    I had one stitch for each tube hole - they originally held the drainage tubes in place. It was kind of odd because when they removed the drainage tubes, they cut the stitch and then somehow tied it back up with the tube gone. I never looked at my tubes so I'm not sure how that worked. (The...
  10. river-wear

    Amiodarone Post Surgery

    I was on it post-op for about 5 weeks. It stays in your system up to 3 months after that, giving your heart plenty of time to heal while it clears.
  11. river-wear

    How loud can a murmur bex

    Yeah, I had a huge leak and there's no way I could hear it without a stethoscope or echo machine picking up the sound. Even if you somehow could hear it yourself, the doctor would certainly be able to hear it with a stethoscope. Murmurs don't come and go. Good luck with a diagnosis. Is it...
  12. river-wear

    Six days and a wake up.

    Sounds like you have a great plan, Cardinal. You'll be on your way before you know it - and then it'll be over. As Steve said, it's best to trust your medical team and not worry about something you can't change. Good luck!
  13. river-wear

    BAV and blood pressure

    My BP was always very low (110/55 or even 100/60) pre-surgery with a huge leak. Now it's typically around 110/70. I haven't seen a diastolic measurement below 65 since my valve was fixed - even when I was still on Metoprolol and Amiodarone. I don't take any medications now.
  14. river-wear

    My Introduction, Date Set, Decision Time

    I would almost guarantee you'll wake up saying that to yourself. Regardless of what you choose, that feeling will most likely pass. One other thing to keep in mind is that a-fib is a very common complication of heart surgery. It's usually short-lived and goes away as your heart heals...
  15. river-wear

    Do you wake up in a gown in ICU?

    Anne, your stories about pictures crack me up. They also inspired me to have my husband take my picture each day I was in the hospital. He would only do it if I gave him permission each time though, so no vent pic. Probably just as well - not sure I want to see that. I woke up in a gown too...
  16. river-wear

    5 Years Ago Today

    Congratulations, Chris! I remember reading all of your updates in 2009. I'm glad you're much better now, and hope you won't ever have to do it again! Yesterday was my 5-month anniversary. Time flies!
  17. river-wear

    5 Years Ago Today

    Congratulations, Chris! I remember reading your updates in 2009. I had just been told I had to have surgery (but that turned out to be wrong). I'm glad to hear you're fully recovered now. Today is my 5 month anniversary! Almost forgot. :-)
  18. river-wear

    strange pain

    I don't know what "classic chest pain" feels like, but for a few months after surgery I would occasionally get a squeezing sensation for about one beat of my heart. It was very brief, but to me it seemed like how a heart attack would feel if the sensation continued. It was scary and I talked...
  19. river-wear

    Aortic replacement--minimally invasive vs standard

    Hi Charlie, my surgeon said he would do a minimally invasive procedure and the scar would be lower so I could wear a v-neck without it showing. When I woke up, I had a full sternotomy with a 6" scar. I was mildly annoyed, but I figure if the extra room means he was able to do a better job it...
  20. river-wear

    Aortic replacement--minimally invasive vs standard

    Hi Charlie, my surgeon said he would do a minimally invasive procedure and the scar would be lower so I could wear a v-neck without it showing. When I woke up, I had a full sternotomy with a 6" scar. I was mildly annoyed, but I figure if the extra room means he was able to do a better job it...