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  1. AgilityDog

    Reasons for self-testing?

    1. I leave for work, 40 minutes away, by 7 a.m. The lab opens at 8:30 2. When I went to the lab the first few months after OHS, I didn't get the !@#$ results for 3 days!!! by then they were useless! 3. When I have to go to the lab for other bloodwork, there is frequently an hour wait, AND I wind...
  2. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday 3-2-12

    Laurie is working 60+ hours a week, 7 days a week. This is my weekly, yes, I'm breathing, post.
  3. AgilityDog

    Cardiologist in Central Florida

    No, Philips does not do any adjustments at all of your Rx. They take your phone call with your INR, then they fax it to your MD, who is responsible for making the adjustments. Philips just sends you new testing supplies. Philps requires you to test weekly. For this they bill in excess of $250...
  4. AgilityDog

    Sending a note...

    Send the note and picture to both your cardio and surgeon! I did! I sent a picture of me and my Lab (Tank) running our first agility trial about 5 months after my mitral valve replacement. I was critically ill, Class IV CHF, v-tach, TIA on the highway just before diagnosis, etc. etc. at the...
  5. AgilityDog

    Riding the INR roller coaster

    What Lance Said. In SPADES.
  6. AgilityDog

    How soon will work & driving resume after AVR

    It depends. How sick are you now? How does surgery go? How does recovery go? My first round it took me 12 weeks to go back to work full time, although I worked from home starting about 8 weeks out. But I was VERY ILL, and recovery took 12 months. Second round, I started work from home about 5...
  7. AgilityDog

    Side effects of drugs

    My DH was on one statin, and had to stop after just a few days, the cramps were so bad. He has genetically high cholesterol (not from OUR diets), and the doctor has started him on a different drug. So far, he's been on it a few weeks, and seems ok. But he has arthritis, and plays racquetball, so...
  8. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 10-19-12

    Poor Cooker. Hope all goes well and you get a "clean" report. Good news for me - I finally broke 140, going the right way! 139.5 this morning. I dunno if it will last. I just didn't eat much this weekend.
  9. AgilityDog

    Please tell me I am doing this right..

    Right, PT, on all counts! Also, Jenebug's 2.5 to 2.7 is within margin of error, and may not signify any change at all!
  10. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 10-12-12

    I avoided the scale this morning. I also avoided the elliptical machine, because I'm having a recurrence of a strained back muscle today. good excuse, huh? Jet and I missed training last night. Just as I got up to gather our things to go, the skies opened up. With her shoulder issues, I won't...
  11. AgilityDog

    Sternum Soreness

    Oh, you may feel aches for 12 months! I especially had problems with the chest muscles when doing any weight work for just ages. Try to do some stretching every day, now that you are mostly healed. Of course, some aches may last longer than that. When I work in the kitchen for a couple hours...
  12. AgilityDog

    Update on cardio visit re coumadin dosing

    Depending upon your age, medicare may kick in for you, I understand those with medicare spend about $10 per test. PT is right, the market isn't big enough for the machines to be cheaper. Yet. Maybe some day.
  13. AgilityDog

    Advice Please

    Split the one missed dose between 2 days. Probably ignore the second missed dose 'cause you don't want to over correct by taking too much in too short a time period. Big "loading doses" are NOT advised. If you can home test, do so. If you are below 2, you may want to take a day or 2 of lovenox...
  14. AgilityDog

    LVH Mild

    did your echo say you have LVH? if so, what %? If it's mild, it shouldn't make any difference.
  15. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 10-5-2012

    My scale is finally moving downward! Maybe the cruise weight is finally going away! I don't really know what I'm doing right, because I am super stressed, super crabby, and barely have time to exercise. The scale is reading somewhere averaging 140.5 all week, up an ounce or two, down an ounce...
  16. AgilityDog

    Bridge comadin for surgery

    Newmitral, you must be skinny! Even at 132 lbs and 5'7" the last time I bridged, I still had PLENTY of flab around my navel into which to inject. The needle's not that big, and i'm not trying to bury the thing! Pinching leaves big bruises on me. Mark, I keep the extras in case I dip below 2.0...
  17. AgilityDog

    Bridge comadin for surgery

    Yes, the dosage is 1mg/kg body weight for a mechanical valver. I found that if you lay flat, and stay that way for 15 or 20 minutes after each injection, you minimize the bruising. Also, do not PINCH the tummy. Instead, spread the area flat between fingers of non-dominant hand, and inject in...
  18. AgilityDog

    malaria pills

    If it's quinine, yes, it very well may interact with your coumadin and raise your INR. I gave up gin and tonic, and even plain tonic water because the weeks I had ONE such drink, my INR shot to 6. bizarre.
  19. AgilityDog

    Don’t do things by half’s :P

    OMG. I can't believe they sent you home the first time, much less the second time. Good heavens. Medicare people, 30 day readmits, are you watching here????? They're going to start fining US hospitals for sending people home too fast, if they boomerang.
  20. AgilityDog

    Regulating Vit K and coumadin question

    Good advice up there. One thing I do, since I'm also on a very low salt diet, and watching my weight, is to make up my own frozen lunches to take to work, in single serve portions. So I'll make up a huge (12-16 servings) batch of soup, with meat (turkey, chicken, ground beef), a whole grain...