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  1. Natanni

    This is so confusing... Need some perspective

    The Mayo in Rochester, a pretty big heart valve center, was very clear that the majority of valves they replace in 35 year olds were replaced with mechanicals. At least this is what we were repeatedly told.
  2. Natanni

    What caused your bacterial endocarditis and how soon did you have symptoms?

    My husband developed endocarditis 6 weeeks post angiogram. I will only repeat della's statement. You can NEVER be too careful when dealing with your health. Once having had endocarditis, a person is even MORE at risk for developing it again and it will be harder to treat the second time...
  3. Natanni

    Would you go through colonoscopy unsedated?

    If it were me, I would get sedated Ross. Out of the hundreds of colonoscopies I have helped with, less than 10 were without sedation. If you are going to consider doing this anticoagulated with coumadin, I would definaltey get sedated. It isn't always just the removing of a polyp that...
  4. Natanni

    Al L.: Best antibiotic for animal bites?

    Nathan got scratched by our kitty on the nose with a little puncture. He was started on Keflex 500mg by mouth three times a day for 3 days.
  5. Natanni

    Bacterial Endocarditis fear

    I think that it is harder to see vegetative growth on aortic vavles with typical echocardiograms. Nathan always had to have TEEs (trans esophogeal echos) and even those missed his vegetations that were there.
  6. Natanni

    You People Know How To Make A Grown Man Cry

    Ross! I am so happy to hear you are home and doing okay......Please take care and get better fast! I don't know how we would have made it through the last year without all of your help. Healing wishes sent your way now :) I would have dressed up in my best little nursey outfit if I thought...
  7. Natanni

    Did soy lower my INR ?

    Hey Ton! :) Nathan has been stable with his INR, and will throw in a soy thingy here and there. He does some sort of Vit K 5 days a week, and we usually put his soy (like this fake bacon stuff we have, fake burger or fake hamburger crumble stuff--all processed) in place of his salad or...
  8. Natanni

    Bacterial Endocarditis fear

    Hi Kate When in doubt, always check it out. Nathan's endocarditis got missed initially by his first visit with his cardio , and confirmed 5 days later. Serum blood cultures are drawn, and I am not sure how long you need to be antibiotic free for them to be accurate. I don't remember Nathan...
  9. Natanni

    Carbomedics shout out

    My husband's Carbomedics is very quiet. I can ony hear it now when I put my head on his chest or back. He has a big chest, his surgeon told us he had a heck of a time getting him 'pulled back togther' ;) His click has become more quiet as time went on. He chose the Carbomedics because...
  10. Natanni

    Basic Side Effect Question

    My husband has a Carbomedics mechanical valve. Another member posted a link to the Carbomedics website that allowed you to hear all the different brands of valves clicking. It was very interesting! If you post a thread like Gina mentioned, maybe in Heart forum, you will find alot of...
  11. Natanni

    Basic Side Effect Question

    That is my 34 year old hubby on the right on his new snowmobile, 3 months post AVR with a mechanical valve! He spent entire weekends snowmobiling with our 14 year old son, anticoagulated. Was he cold? No more than our son :) You decision is a big one, and you found an excellent resource...
  12. Natanni

    Please keep Ross in your prayers.

    No word yet? Thinking of you Ross...please take care....
  13. Natanni


    GREAT Thread! We are NOT vegetarians...yet.... My hubby was brought up vegetarian for many years of his childhood, and I think started eating meat when he was maybe 10 ( I would need to clarify for sure). We did try once about 5 years ago, and we got off meat but did eat ground turkey so we...
  14. Natanni

    HELP!! New member needs advice to help dad in need of an AVR redo

    Alan-it would seem that whether or not a person is a candidate for AVR is case by case. I never would have that they would be doing a valve replacement on my father in laws transplanted heart. The fact the he has a liver 9and pancreatic) cancer history is just on the side lines. He has no...
  15. Natanni

    HELP!! New member needs advice to help dad in need of an AVR redo

    I just wanted to wish you well. We understant what you are going through right now my husband's (see his details below) Dad is a heart transplant recipiant 15 years strong, but going in for the pericardectomy/valve replacement on Friday at the Mayo in Rochester. He is 60, and also a...
  16. Natanni

    What did you tell your kiddos?

    Hello! My husband is now 35 and is now 10 months post AVR/12 months post endocarditis. Our son and daughter were 13 and 9 at the time of his surgery. All their lives, they have known their Grandpa had a very good transplanted heart. When it came time for Dad's surgery, I guess they were...
  17. Natanni

    A medical opinion on AVR for BAV

    "recomend replacement of a seeminly normal ascending aorta"......well now this makes me very nervous. Nathan's surgeon has been doing AVR since the early 1970s at the Mayo, and I gathered he was well versed in BAV. Both he and Nathan's cardiologist felt that Nathan's ascending aorta...
  18. Natanni

    Another question

    It will be interesting to see what others have to say here. Did they ever find the cause of your lymphadenitis? I know that blood infections can be a big deal, but not sure if is any more a big deal to have an arficial valve than having a malfuncitoning valve. I know in Nathan's case post...
  19. Natanni

    How slow is too slow?

    Wow Randy, I would call your doc. Nathan's HR is usually in the sixties. After his 10 month post op echo, his cardio is talking about taking him off his Cozaar and Toprol in one year due to his hearts improvment (unless he stays on this awful route with the heavy lifting).
  20. Natanni

    Breathing tube

    Hi Kim! My husband had his aortic vavle replaced in Sept 05, and he is a big guy that never liked to messed with :) He was not looking foward to being intubated either. I was able to see him one hour after surgery, while still intubated and sleeping on his side, resting easy. The...