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  1. Natanni

    Red Eye

    I work with eye surgeons now, and we do see subconjunctival hemmorhages every few weeks. We have seen them in pts that don't take warfarin also, but more common in people who take warfarin or aspirin. Often they will follow some activity with force behind it, like a coughing jag or straining...
  2. Natanni

    How many members take aspirin and Warfarin?

    Yes, I goofed about aspirin being an anticoagulant. Our bottle of EC aspirin 81 mg states "Talk to your doctor before taking this product if you are on Coumadin", but not contraindicated. My husband also got the go ahead for Ibuprofen for migranes. I know that Asprin and Warfarin can be...
  3. Natanni

    How many members take aspirin and Warfarin?

    Tried to do this under a poll; How many members take Enteric Coated Aspirin (81mg or 325) in addition to Warfarin? My husband was given Aspirin immediately after surgery and was told that it is recommded for the first year post AVR. At his one year check up,his cardio told him to continue...
  4. Natanni

    Heart transplant

    My husband's father had a heart transplant 15 years ago, and now has severe regurgitation of the tricuspid valve due to multiple biopsies that have been done over the years. The Mayo feels that it got snagged and torn at one point with the forceps that are used in biopsies. He was told that...
  5. Natanni

    New Member, Surgery 5-29

    Hi Beth My husband's (AVR @ 34 for BAV) Dad had a heart transplant 15 years ago, but was adopted so all our history stops there. His father had an unspecific cardiomyopathy, perhaps viral. Our daughter (10) had her pulmonary flow murmur echoed last July and ruled to be completely normal but...
  6. Natanni

    Twin cities question.....

    Enjoy :) Enjoy :) I grew up in Wayzata, a little suburb of MPLS. Moved up to Northern MN when Dad retired and stayed :) I can't offer anything entertainment wise anymore as everything we do tends to be up in the woods or on a ship :D The Manny's Steakhouse is an excellent option if your are...
  7. Natanni

    My first glitch post surgery is with ACT

    My husband was discharged @ 4 days post AVR w/Carbomedics (and post of A fib :eek: ) with an INR of 1.8. If I remember correctly, I believe he dropped to 1.6 when I called the PAC begging for Lovenox. The surgeon said no need :rolleyes: even when the PAC thought it would be a good idea. I am...
  8. Natanni


    Hey Bonnie! Glad to hear no visible repercussions on your fall! Scary things falls are, between bruises/broken bones etc! Hubby (36 years old) took a bad fall while delivering this winter. He was coming out of his truck on a slippery, icey non-sanded side walk and hit hard on cement, but...
  9. Natanni

    Pilot talk

    Jim- Have you looked into things again since 1994? Nathan had quite an enlarged heart at the time of surgery (check archieves for details) which, thank god, returned to normal EF and size, etc; His ordeal was complicated by endocarditis and he also had post op a fib-also once a big "no no"...
  10. Natanni

    Update: Famous People And Heart Valve Surgery

    I thought Robbie Benson was twice also. I guess I view celebrities having valve surgery the way I view anyone that has valve surgery. It gets my attention, and I am always interested in hearing their story. When I am with a patient and they tell me they have had valve surgery, I always want...
  11. Natanni

    Pilot talk

    My husband passed his FAA physical after AVR. He home monitors his INR as well as geting it checked once every 3 months with his coumadin clinic. He does have to report back every 6 months with INR records, and he also has to supply echo, ekg and stress tests every year.
  12. Natanni

    Cardiologists in Minneapolis/St. Paul

    Hi, and welcome back to MN! We are a little North of MPLS/St Paul (about an hour south of International Falls/Canada. Nathan and his Dad now doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, but we have heard alot of great responses now from Abbott/NW. Nathan and his dad (heart transplant recipiant-U...
  13. Natanni

    Bouncy INR & 3-week wait?

    Yes, and wiggle room for forgetting a dose :eek: :D
  14. Natanni

    Bouncy INR & 3-week wait?

    I would not want my husband to wait 3 weeks either but I am always on the anxious side of my husbands INR :rolleyes: Nathan has been home monitoring his INR since 1 month post op and he was the first guy in his docs office to do so. One of his cardiac rehab friends tried to get his doc to...
  15. Natanni

    Heard of these for heart health?

    While I know that CoQ10 has some excellent benefits for the heart I seem to recall someone saying that it doesn't always play well with beta blockers----Bob? I think that it is used with caution with Coumadin/warfarin but that was just off a bottle I had here at home :rolleyes:
  16. Natanni

    Survey For Valve Replacement Patients & Caregivers

    We both will!
  17. Natanni

    Dancing with the Stars

    I used to have so much respect for you! ;) I know!!! Isn't that just sad?! And I STILL watch the re-runs. I have found that for some odd reason, I cling to all my old shows of childhood and seldom watching anything new (I will never get enough Star Trek either, vintage or of the 80s or...
  18. Natanni

    Dancing with the Stars

    I LOVE this, but the thing that got me hooked was Ian....I am coming out....I am a Beverly Hills 90210 JUNKIE :) I am also hooked on Tori's new reality show,about her Inn and we have never EVER watched a single reality show to date :)
  19. Natanni

    Endocarditis or Paranoia?

    Sed rate? I am not sure on that one. The only thing I was told with Nathan is that the only definative way to rule out endocarditis is with serum blood culutures. Nathan passed a pre op physical with all pertinant lab work, chest Xrays, etc with full blown endo, it snuck by everyone. We...
  20. Natanni

    Endocarditis or Paranoia?

    Hi My husband had endocarditis in July 2005 due to strep viridans. If you have any doubt at all, go get a serum blood culture. A doctor should never make you feel at all paranoid about getting this done. Endocarditis is very scary. My hair stood straight on end when I read Hank's (the...