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  1. RobThatsMe

    New member needs info, Cleveland Clinic especially

    Healthand Hope, My complex surgery was performed at the Cleveland Clinic. The doctors are amazing. I flew up from Nashvile, and had it done there because of their reputation and staff. They are truly a benchmark in the industry, and I think you will find the experience there exceptional. It...
  2. RobThatsMe

    Obamacare, insurance and AVR

    Yeah right! I think NOT!
  3. RobThatsMe

    **WARNING LETTER** from Alere

    They did mention that the computer was password protected, but I wonder if the docoments were also encrypted? I agree Duff, our detailed information should not be on someone's laptop! How stupid is that!! Stupid enough for a class action law suit I would think!
  4. RobThatsMe

    **WARNING LETTER** from Alere

    It amounts to nothing other than what it is, "Legalized Extortion".
  5. RobThatsMe

    Reasons for self-testing?

    Hi Clay, I agree with the others comments above, and also have my own personal reason. Not trying to scare anyone with this next sentence, but it is a fact. Coumadin can be a very dangerous drug. One that can kill if not managed correctly. I have been on Coumadin now for 12 years, trouble free...
  6. RobThatsMe

    **WARNING LETTER** from Alere

    Careful of the service they are offering. The company, "Experian" does not have good reviews. I'm not sure if I will take them up on this offer. That is what I found, so far. Let me know if you find out differently... Rob
  7. RobThatsMe

    Depression and OHS

    Hi Barb, I also went through a periods of depression after my first AVR. I call it the "Why Me" syndrome. Some of the lack of excitement in life can also be caused by your medications. Are you on any type of Beta Blocker? These can take the highs out of life, as they lower your BP and also...
  8. RobThatsMe

    Hello all my good friends out there..!!

    Hi Janie, Good to see your post! I have been keeping my own spreadsheets since I began home testing 12 years ago. Whenever I go to my PCP, or my Cardiologist, I give them a copy. Ain't no big deal, and my own spreadsheet also gives me a historical record to refer back to. I usually keep side...
  9. RobThatsMe

    Memory Loss, Cognitive Problems Post-Surgery?

    I would like to add, that the possibility of cognative memory loss, depends greatly on how long you were on the heart lung bypass equipment. Each person that has has surgery, also has different overall health issues, as well as how they react to different situations, drugs etc. The surgeons...
  10. RobThatsMe

    Alere Home Monitoring System

    Hi N Jean, I am not on Medicare yet, at least not until next year. Guess I will have to face the same issue then. But I agree.. no real big deal, more an an annoyance, Big Brother is watching.. Too bad he didn't watch the big bucks more closely, and leave us alone. Or is that they think we...
  11. RobThatsMe

    Alere Home Monitoring System

    I got one of those a few years ago when I purchased my new InRatio2. I called them and told them that I purchased the unit outright, and that I have been home testing for 10 years, and will not be calling my results into them. It's called Bundling... and we all love bundling, don't we?
  12. RobThatsMe

    Coumadin and sun exposure

    YIKES... but think of the money you would save on purchasing Coumadin!! LOL
  13. RobThatsMe

    Coumadin and sun exposure

    If you skip a dose every day that you have a drink, then I guess it all depends on how often you drink. It very well could be deadly.
  14. RobThatsMe

    Coumadin and sun exposure

    YIKES.... fire that nurse!!! That is CRAZY!!!! In fact, Skipping your Coumadin could be deadly. I would rather be a little on the high side of my INR than dead! Rob
  15. RobThatsMe

    On-X and Activity

    Hi, I agree with GymGuy on this. You can still be very active. The main thing to keep in mind that you are on Coumadin, and severe bangs to the head are not a good thing to have happen. You also will take longer for a cut to stop bleeding, so be careful and do not get severe cuts. I've had...
  16. RobThatsMe

    Is it okay to get your heart rate up?

    I think that it all depends on the reason that you had to have your valve replaced. If you have a dissection on aneurysm, then the answer is probably "no". If it was due to you just having a bad valve, then perhaps "yes". This type of question is always best asked to your doctors. Rob
  17. RobThatsMe

    Could my noisy valve be throwing off my monitor?

    I think you need to turn the TV down while you are wearing it.
  18. RobThatsMe

    More gym goodness - 8 week update

    Fantastic Gymguy! Sounds like you a really doing well with your forward progress! Keep on Rock'n those gym days out! Rob
  19. RobThatsMe

    I've Been Taken Off Aspirin

    Where you under your cardiologists orders intially to take the aspirin? If so, was it him that advised you to stop taking it, or another doctor? If it was another doctor, I personnally would have consulted with my cardiologist prior to stopping the dose. Have you tried the coated aspirin...
  20. RobThatsMe

    Coumadin Dose Changes after 2nd Valve Surgery.

    OMG... Now your talking. If you only new how many bottles of German schnapps I brought home when I was working over there! I'm going to be back there next month to go to my friends wedding! I'll have one for you!