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  1. C

    Suggestions for doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital or MGH for MVR redo?

    Mgh Mgh Frank, I also had Gus Vlahakes at MGH. He replaced three of my valves. He is awesome. The staff there is OUTSTANDING. My OHS was three yrs ago and (knock on wood) I have never had a problem!!!!!Good Luck Cheryl:)
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    3 yrs Today

    At 8:30 this morning, will be the 3rd Anniversary of my OHS. :) I have never felt better. People still ask how I'm feeling after all this time which is nice but the back to work question throws me off. To all of you in the waiting room, OHS is well worth the wait!!!!!! Happy Holidays to all;)
  3. C

    Do I call my Cardio?

    Thank you Bina. I messed up I did take 9MGs yesterday and today.
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    Do I call my Cardio?

    Al, I take my coumadin at 4:AM. That is when I get up to go to the gym, to be in Work by 5:30AM. This morning I took 7.5 MG and tomorrow I will take the same. Does that sound right? Thank you in advance, Cheryl
  5. C

    Do I call my Cardio?

    I missed my dose yesterday (6MG). So I thought I would split the missed dose over two days. My question is, should I call my cardio and/or retest at the lab? I'm thinking it is not a big deal after reading the threads on missed doses.::o
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    Surgery Scheduled January 16!!!

    Hi Lorie, I was very excited when I got my date also. 12/23/04. Very close to Christmas but well worth the sacrifice !!!!!!!!!!:) You will be feeling great before you know it;)
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    New to forum

    Hi Margaret, I had the same valves done (hat trick) but all of my were replaced. Looking back at my surgery I remember being scared (normal) but it is sooooooo worth it with the way I feel now. My surgery was 9 hours and I had a great recovery no issues at all, and thankfully still feeling...
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    Tingling Feeling

    Has anyone ever experienced a tingling feeling in your arms? It seems that my arms are still asleep a little after I wake up in the morning sometimes. Once in awhile they just start feeling funny (not numb like a think a stroke would feel). I called my cardio and I am seeing him today. I have...
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    Mended Hearts

    I was just wondering if anyone knew about a Mended Hearts Group in the Boston area. I can't seem to find anything.:confused:
  10. C

    Worried about ticking

    Hey Jenny, Welcome. I have two mechanical valves (Aortic and Mitral). I agree with Cooker it will be no problem. You may hear it a little at first but once you get used to it you won't hear it anymore unless you really concentrate:)
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    Aussie girl's surgery on Wed.

    Get well soon Mary and will miss you at chat ;)
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    Flying to Denver

    I will be flying into Denver, CO from Boston on Friday and was wondering if anyone had any problems adjusting to the altitude. I'm sure it isn't an issue (three replaced valves) but just checking.:confused:
  13. C

    ? about leaky tricuspid vlave ???

    Tricuspid valve Tricuspid valve Hi Alicia, My tricuspid valve is bovine which is cow. It was REPLACED along with my mitral and aortic which are St. Jude Mechanical. The Dr. said my bovine should last at least 20 yrs. I hope longer. Good Luck:)
  14. C

    New Member

    Hi Tara, Gus replaced three of my valves 12/04. He just replaced my friends aortic valve on Wed. My friend is doing great. He is coming home Monday. I think the staff at MGH is awesome. I'm glad you found this website, it is so helpful in so many ways!!!!:)
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    New Member and slowly Learning

    Welcome Welcome Hi Freddie, This forum is great. I'm somewhat new here too. I joined in Feb. If you pop into the forums a few times you'll get the lingo. AVR-aortic valve replacement, MVR-mitral valve replacement, and OHS open heart surgery. Those are just a few. There are all kinds very...
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    Friends OHS

    Jkm7/Marty Jkm7/Marty My friend and I had Dr.Gus Vlahakes. He is such a great surgeon. Straight shooter. My friend (84) was only in ICU for one day. Although I was so excited for him, I was a little envious because I spent three days in ICU for three new valves. Okay, I'm over it...
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    Friends OHS

    I just spent the day at Mass General while a friend of mine had OHS for a AVR by the same surgeon who replaced my three valves. It is such a strange experience being a visitor. My surgery was over two years ago but it brought back a lot of memories (mostly good) that I had forgotten. My...
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    Boston/Mass General Patients

    I just happened to be at the Aquarium in Boston the other day and I ran into Stan. He is the very funny kind of manager/research guy who works on Ellison 8 on Weekends. He told me that a woman who was a heart patient at Mass General (heart attack) wrote a book called "Arrow Through the Heart"...
  19. C

    Picking a surgeon

    Hi DJRoy, I had my surgery done at MGH by Dr. Gus Vlahakes (I'm 42). He was great. Three new valves and two and a half years later I'm doing awesome. My 84 yr neighbor is having Gus do his Aortic Valve on July 16th. Feel free to ask any questions !!!
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    Home from the hospital

    Hi jds, I had my surgery done at Mass General and Gus Vlahakes was my surgeon. I think my whole experience there was great. The Ellison 8 nursing staff was awesome, and Gus and the floor manager Stan were outstanding. I have never had an issue in the 2+ years since my surgery (knock on wood)...