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  1. Cris N

    Joke time

    Ooohhh... that's a good one!
  2. Cris N

    Coumadin Clinic

    As far as testing is concerned, have you asked your PCP about it instead of the cardio? My PCP is enthusiastic about home testing.
  3. Cris N

    Incision Shield?

    I looked at it a while back and decided that it's a huge waste of money. My incision was super sensitive and I wound of using Vaseline & Kleenex to provide a shield from my clothing. I also found that close-fitting tank tops (high cut) really helped too.
  4. Cris N

    Ho Hum

    Sure is kind of quiet around here...
  5. Cris N

    Sad Situation

    She's in my prayers as well.
  6. Cris N

    Husbands surgery tomorrow at 7am!!!

    Prayers for both of you. I'm sure you'll be happy to have this behind you.
  7. Cris N

    Free from the doctor!!!

    Congrats on your machine! FWIW, I wouldn't let my cardio or his nurse manage my dosage. I think they tried to kill me early on with bad advice.
  8. Cris N

    New member, old ticker!

    I don't ever recall Baker/Norton warfarin being talked about in the US. It is actually Kunming Baker Norton Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd: The member I was thinking about is ChouDoufu - here was his thread about the warfarin he purchased in China. I...
  9. Cris N

    God is GREAT!!!

    Wonderful news.
  10. Cris N

    New member, old ticker!

    Hi David - I wonder where your warfarin is actually coming from. I recall some discussion about warfarin from members in China not having the same, somewhat consistent standards as what we usually get here. In the process of your move did you switch the origin of your warfarin?
  11. Cris N

    Prescriptions for meters and supplies? Really?

    In addition to the medicare fraud link I would probably send it to state insurance commissioners and to AARP.
  12. Cris N

    The Importance Of This Forum for This old Geezer

    How nice of you to share your thoughts. I think many of us would agree... just don't take the time to put it in words. Thank you.
  13. Cris N

    Prayers needed, please

    My prayers too. Please let us know the outcome.
  14. Cris N


    Lordy, Lordy. The mere thought of holding at 3.8 gives me the chills. I don't hold at all until I get to 5 - and then maybe only a half dose. Your doc needs to understand that a reading of 3.8 this minute could easily be a 3.4 a few minutes later. In your shoes, I wouldn't hold at all. If...
  15. Cris N

    Levels dropped again

    I'm with your cardio 100%. I think 5mg is where you need to be for now. I would also suggest that you tell him you expect weekly testing for at least the next 6 weeks. You need to be confident in the dosage - that should take you to a reasonable activity level so you can see where your 'healthy'...
  16. Cris N

    Happy Birthday Gnusgal (34)

    Hey there- have a happy birthday!
  17. Cris N

    Estrogen replacement while on Coumadin

    Yeah, Suzanne's right up there with Kevin Trudeau :eek2::biggrin2:
  18. Cris N

    Back to ER w/ crazy rhythm

    Well, all I can say is CR@P. You really deserve a break.
  19. Cris N

    pics of my loverly grandchildren

    Absolutely adorable!
  20. Cris N

    Back to ER w/ crazy rhythm

    Hope it's nothing serious - will be anxiously waiting for update. Don't hesitate to call 911 if you think he won't be home in time.