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  1. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Uuuu Respec! That was big surgery. That's inspire me a lot. I read your posts of all of you and I am greatfull. You all want to help with good advices. Your story is inspirating and I am on the start now. In 5 days I have MSCT coronarogeaphy. And then TEE(waiting for termin). Hope that MSCT...
  2. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Yes. That's true. Mechanical valves last forever(🤫😂) but I must take anticolagation pills every day. I they have simptoms? I will search today and tomorrow forum little bit about that. First I must do TEE and we will se. Tnx on info's💕
  3. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    It is hard for me. I am scary of open heart surgery and TAVR is revolution. Arnold Swarzzeneger have 2 surgery's in 20 years. I don't mind that. Just want to avoid open heart surgery. I must decide. I will read more stuff. Thank all of you for info's. 💕
  4. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Tnx. I will read it
  5. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Well, I buy for my self 10 or 15 years with TAVR and who knows...Why do OHS and risk not to wake up from surgery. Who knows what will be with the world in 10 or 15 years.. Don't think that much long. Live day by day. TAVR is non invasion one hour procedure. Why not for 7000E?
  6. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Tnx. Not my main language but I understand 90% what I need. Yes I know that TAVR is for older people who are at risk for open surgery but in Belgrade in Dedinje hospital if you pay you get the TAVR procedure! Dr. Ivan Stojanovic. You have it on you tube. I will pay every euro if I can.
  7. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Thx. I will inform. 👍💪
  8. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    TAVI, sorry.
  9. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Thx. Very much. I need every info about it. I am really ok and working and walking 3,4 Tnx. Very much. Every info is good. I have option for pay TAVR about 7000 E. If I can I will do that.
  10. kobaha21

    Croatian New member-severe aortic stenosis?

    Hi. First, sorry on my English. Learned in elementary school. Have problem with grammar.. I am from Croatia. 46 years old male.We don't have any good forums about heart valves. I have sistematic check for new job and they heard murmur in my heart for the first time in my life. Done 2...