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  1. C

    On the other side

    Mine shut on its own after a while (verified by a heart cath). I guess I am very lucky to be here. My aortic valve was totally fused and only working ever so slightly. As they say, I was a heart attack waiting to happen. The good news is that I had no other heart disease so at least I have...
  2. C

    On the other side

    Julian, Thanks for the well wishes back at you my friend, back at you. Lynlw, No, they left it be. After about 7 days the pressures between the atrium's got better and the PFO seemed to have shut as my oxygen levels hit normal overnight last Thursday. However, I was told that it will be...
  3. C

    Strange Lights

    I have found that I have "floaters" in my vision. How to explain? I have what appears to be something floating in my left eye, it moves and coincides with my heart beat. They kind of pump around my eyeball, wierd really but I am getting used to it. I also seem to be extremely light sensitive...
  4. C

    On the other side

    I had a rough go. I had surgery on the 20th and was not released from the hospital to home until the 29th. The valve replacement was put in and in recovery I arrested, twice. They had to "reposition" the valve to make all work properly. I also had problems with adequate oxygen levels in my...
  5. C

    My date is confirmed

    Thanks everyone. We are leaving in the morning as I have a number of tests to do and I have three unrelated Dr.'s appointments. We will stay in Fayetteville tomorrow night and need to be at the hospital at 8 am on Wednesday. Here we go.
  6. C

    Nose Bleeds

    Yes, I did take asprin but the Doc had me stop it about three weeks ago.
  7. C

    My date is confirmed

    Thanks Julian
  8. C

    Nose Bleeds

    Hi, Some of you may have seen on the pre-surgery thread that I am to receive AVR surgery next Wednesday the 20th. However I wanted to inquire about frequent nose bleeds? Is this a symptom? They seem to coincide with my diagnosis a month ago. They are also getting worse and more...
  9. C

    My date is confirmed

    Washington Regional Medical Center - Walker Heart Institute, Fayetteville, AR. My surgeon is Dr. James Counce. The surgery is to start at 11:00 am on the 20th. I've concluded that a bovine valve will be my replacement based on my involvement with Motorcycle Adventure riding. I frequent...
  10. C

    I've got a tentative date!

    Thanks everyone..."newly mowed field" or newly Mooood...haha...yeppers I have a very positive attitude about all of this. This is just another bump in the road of life to figure out and to deal with.
  11. C

    I've got a tentative date!

    It looks like I will be in surgery on the morning of the 20th. This may change a day either way depending on my surgeons work load. I also decided definitively that I will have a Bovine replacement valve. So, seems were done except for some testing the day before and recuperation. I am so...
  12. C

    Over the mountain...

    Wow, I am impressed that you are already posting up. Keep up the good work.
  13. C

    Successfully ove to the other side

    Glad you are doing well and are home. Great stuff to hear!
  14. C

    Moo and enlarged aorta 1st week post

    Glad your doing well Kailin. I'm next week so I will be following your posts.
  15. C

    AVR questions

    Ok, so I am in the waiting room now and will have AVR in the next two weeks per my surgeon. I am a 61 year old male. I'm not in bad shape for the shape I'm in, I have had extensive damage and surgery to my back and neck but I remain a VERY active person given my limitations. Perhaps I should...
  16. C

    I Got My Surgeon and Date!

    God Speed Julian
  17. C

    My first post here

    Well, I've returned from the Little Rock VA Hospital. They did all sorts of tests but the most notable of course were my Cardiac Cath and my Cardiac EP. It seems the plumbing is all ok without plaque anywhere except on my Aortic Valve. There were no other notable deformities! I do have a...
  18. C

    My first post here

    Alright then, I just got back from the Dentist. Told him of the upcoming surgery he said I did the right thing by getting it pulled now. I was not infected or abscessed so that is a good thing. He prescribed amoxicillin for a week. I will call my cardiologist tomorrow and let them know. Wow...
  19. C

    My first post here

    I have a dilemma this morning. I have a really severe tooth ache. My cath is coming Friday, surgery schedule will be shortly after. So now what? Get the tooth worked on and risk delayed surgery? I have some some cipro (I have left over from an infection) and get the tooth fixed and keep...
  20. C

    My first post here

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome here and the sage advice. In regard to picking a hospital and Cardiothoracic Surgeon I am somewhat limited as to where I can go for the surgery since the VA Medical System is footing the bill. Much to my advantage, the VA Little Rock and UAMC (University...