Active duty military outcome

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Jul 8, 2023
I’m active duty navy 19 y/o with a year and a half of service and had valve replacment replaced with tissue valve 6 months ago they put me on a medical separation board anyone have any similar situations and what the possible outcomes are and possibly what way they usually lean toward I won’t be deployable.
Hi Krodgers.

Hopefully there will be some members who can help with your specific question.

The one piece of advice that I will give you is to keep up with your echos. This is especially important for a young person with a tissue valve, as the young tend to go through them very quickly.
At age 19, you are probably looking at getting 5 to 10 years from your valve, possibly less.

I point this out because once you get a year or two away from your valve surgery, you probably won't think about your valve much anymore and will be busy living life. This is as it should be, just remember to be diligent with your follow up appointments. I also say this because I know how I was in my 20s and was not the best at getting medical check ups as often as I should have.

So, live life to the fullest, but get your echos at least every year, maybe even every 6 months. The last thing that you want to do is to forget about your follow up visits and then have SVD sneak up on you, and end up getting your next procedure in the ER. Due you your age, you will be facing several procudures during your life and you want to get them done before the point where irreversible damage occurs.

Best of luck in your recovery and hope that you find another member in the military with a similar situation as yours, who can give you some input.
Hi Krodgers.

Hopefully there will be some members who can help with your specific question.

The one piece of advice that I will give you is to keep up with your echos. This is especially important for a young person with a tissue valve, as the young tend to go through them very quickly.
At age 19, you are probably looking at getting 5 to 10 years from your valve, possibly less.

I point this out because once you get a year or two away from your valve surgery, you probably won't think about your valve much anymore and will be busy living life. This is as it should be, just remember to be diligent with your follow up appointments. I also say this because I know how I was in my 20s and was not the best at getting medical check ups as often as I should have.

So, live life to the fullest, but get your echos at least every year, maybe even every 6 months. The last thing that you want to do is to forget about your follow up visits and then have SVD sneak up on you, and end up getting your next procedure in the ER. Due you your age, you will be facing several procudures during your life and you want to get them done before the point where irreversible damage occurs.

Best of luck in your recovery and hope that you find another member in the military with a similar situation as yours, who can give you some input.
Appreciate the reply my cardiologist said he would expect my valve to last 10 or maybe even 20 years if I’m lucky I have the mitris pericardial valve supposed to be the best around is what he said.
Appreciate the reply my cardiologist said he would expect my valve to last 10 or maybe even 20 years if I’m lucky I have the mitris pericardial valve supposed to be the best around is what he said.
That is the Edwards Reslilia valve. There is hope that it will last that long for young patients and I really hope this is the case for you. Although I chose a mechanical valve myself at age 53, if I did choose tissue, I would have gone with Resilia. In my view, if a young person is choosing tissue, this is probably the best choice.

But, do get those follow up echos. There is hope that it will last this long, but the clinical data is not there yet to support this. I'm going to send you a link to Edward's website and you will note the following disclaimer, in the "very small print".

"† No clinical data are available that evaluate the long-term impact of RESILIA tissue in patients."

That being said, with each passing year, the "hope" gets a little stronger. So, I would be hopeful- and there is reason to be, but I would still get relatively frequent echos anyway, in case this valve ends up being similar to previous tissue valves in terms of longevity.
I’m active duty navy 19 y/o with a year and a half of service and had valve replacment replaced with tissue valve 6 months ago

I can't comment about the military things but I just want to reiterate and underscore the importance of what chuck says here

The one piece of advice that I will give you is to keep up with your echos. This is especially important for a young person with a tissue valve, as the young tend to go through them very quickly.
At age 19, you are probably looking at getting 5 to 10 years from your valve, possibly less.

because these things can go from fine, fine, fine, no problems to "oh, we have a problem to then "this is now getting urgent"

this is because the way that tissue valves fail is not linear.


so the non-linear failure mode may seem like its doing better longer until it isn't.

So definitely keep up those yearly checks.
I’m rather surprised you haven’t been medically discharged yet. I have no experience in such matters. I know someone who was medically discharged due to a collapsed lung. Had enlisted but not yet started basic. Spontaneous Pneumothorax I think it’s called. One time deal, never happened again. But they wouldn’t let him start basic.
I wonder why they would determine that he would not be deployable and would discharge him? He has a tissue valve. No anticoagulation. It would seem that he should be able to do all activities expected of any other service member, once he is fully recovered from surgery. There are professional athletes who have had valve surgery and then gone to play again. comes to heart,We have heart valve surgery.
I wonder why they would determine that he would not be deployable and would discharge him? He has a tissue valve. No anticoagulation. It would seem that he should be able to do all activities expected of any other service member, once he is fully recovered from surgery. There are professional athletes who have had valve surgery and then gone to play again. comes to heart,We have heart valve surgery.
Plenty of healthy folks to choose from without congenital heart defects. Why risk something from a known condition creating an issue for your team in the field when there are enough unknowns to worry about? Makes perfect sense to me that a congenital heart defect would make one ineligible for service.
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I’m active duty navy 19 y/o with a year and a half of service and had valve replacment replaced with tissue valve 6 months ago they put me on a medical separation board anyone have any similar situations and what the possible outcomes are and possibly what way they usually lean toward I won’t be deployable.
Hello, sorry I’m just seeing this. I am currently on an active duty tour and had an avr (on-x) and aneurysm repair in June 2022. I was wondering if you have gotten any decisions in your career. I am most likely looking towards an involuntary medical retirement at the end of this tour but I will have 24 years in and indefinite anticoagulation. 2 others in my unit have had similar procedures. One had an avr (tissue), the other an aneurysm repair. Neither were med boarded or face discharge. One just deployed. He had to have all his doctors sign off and the gaining commander at the deployed location had to sign off on it. I would expect your career to continue with monitoring. As long as things are working as advertised your risk to the DoD is relatively low. If they do decide to discharge make sure they give your a disability rating (hopefully over 30%), and file a VA benefits claim asap!
Hello, sorry I’m just seeing this. I am currently on an active duty tour and had an avr (on-x) and aneurysm repair in June 2022. I was wondering if you have gotten any decisions in your career. I am most likely looking towards an involuntary medical retirement at the end of this tour but I will have 24 years in and indefinite anticoagulation. 2 others in my unit have had similar procedures. One had an avr (tissue), the other an aneurysm repair. Neither were med boarded or face discharge. One just deployed. He had to have all his doctors sign off and the gaining commander at the deployed location had to sign off on it. I would expect your career to continue with monitoring. As long as things are working as advertised your risk to the DoD is relatively low. If they do decide to discharge make sure they give your a disability rating (hopefully over 30%), and file a VA benefits claim asap!
Here’s an update I tried and tried to plead my case to my doctors and sent a letter telling them I’m more than healthy to continue but unfortunately they still decided to medically retire me with 30% dod it’s been 6 months now since my separation it’s been tough I feel like I got screwed out of my career and my dreams but besides all of that I’m doing good working in HVAC now maybe in the future the military will allow more heart patients to join.
Here’s an update I tried and tried to plead my case to my doctors and sent a letter telling them I’m more than healthy to continue but unfortunately they still decided to medically retire me with 30% dod it’s been 6 months now since my separation it’s been tough I feel like I got screwed out of my career and my dreams but besides all of that I’m doing good working in HVAC now maybe in the future the military will allow more heart patients to join.
Did you file a claim with the VA? If not you need to get to a Veteran’s Service Officer asap. They can help you with the process. There’s usually one at your local VFW or American Legion. Make sure you talk to someone about the mental stress and how this situation has made you feel!

Since the COVID vaccine there have been no shortage of cardiac issues with service members. 3 open heart surgeries in my unit alone within 6 months of the 2nd jab. I know of over half a dozen others with leaking av’s or aneurysms being monitored. The commandant of the Marines fell unconscious during a run last year and was rushed to emergency surgery and had to have an avr. No history of heart issues. DoD doesn’t want to acknowledge any correlation.
Did you file a claim with the VA? If not you need to get to a Veteran’s Service Officer asap. They can help you with the process. There’s usually one at your local VFW or American Legion. Make sure you talk to someone about the mental stress and how this situation has made you feel!

Since the COVID vaccine there have been no shortage of cardiac issues with service members. 3 open heart surgeries in my unit alone within 6 months of the 2nd ***. I know of over half a dozen others with leaking av’s or aneurysms being monitored. The commandant of the Marines fell unconscious during a run last year and was rushed to emergency surgery and had to have an avr. No history of heart issues. DoD doesn’t want to acknowledge any correlation.
Wow yeah my valve replacement came about from a fatal car accident I was passenger in I had no previous heart problems and yes the medical board did the va claims I recived 90% va thanks for the reply!
Wow yeah my valve replacement came about from a fatal car accident I was passenger in I had no previous heart problems and yes the medical board did the va claims I recived 90% va thanks for the reply!
I’m glad you made the VA claim. I am sorry to hear about the unfortunate way you ended up in this situation. Hopefully you make a go of HVAC. It’s a great trade. I’m sorry Uncle Sam wasn’t receptive to your pleas to continue to serve. Unfortunately, as service members, we are only good to them until we aren’t, then we get thrown out and replaced and the cycle continues. Regardless, be proud that you are one of the few that signed your name and took that sacred oath!
I wrote this before I realized you're already out, but here's my son's experience:

If you're not deployable, I suspect you'll be med-boarded out. If you were deployable, it would depend on if they're growing or shrinking the military. My son had a head injury that resulted in a fractured skull and minor subdural bleed. It was a situation that after he healed (about 6 months), he could have been deployed. However, this was during Obama's presidency and at a time that they were shrinking the military so he was medically retired. I say "retired" because his Veteran status and benefits are the same as if he'd served 20 years. I don't know if that option will be available to you since it's not a service related injury, but you should definitely ask about it.

Note: Reading your explanation, I'm not sure how a car wreck can result in a valve injury unless it was ruptured chordae tendonae and they had to replace the mitral valve, but was it considered a service related injury?
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I was thinking about something similar the other day.
I was in college when the Viet Nam war heated up.
I was number 15 in the draft lottery -- my number probably would have been called, if I wasn't a full time student and diagnosed with allergies that kept me out of the service.
I was thinking about what may have happened if I WAS drafted or volunteered.
The doctors who examined me may not have heard my murmur - but after a day of exercise, I would probably have collapsed (like I almost did in Junior High School), and my cardiac issue would have been diagnosed. It may not have kept me from performing other services (clerical, training, etc.), but would have kept me out of combat. It may have, like others here, have resulted in a rapid discharge.

This was in pre-valve replacement days (except for the Starr-Edwards, perhaps), and I may have been too big a liability.

I echo the advice about annual, or more frequent, echoes (no pun here). It's important to keep an eye on that tissue valve.