Today is my one year anniversary of my open heart surgery. I had my mitral valve repaired, and a mechanical On-X aortic valve installed. I am doing very well, and I greatly appreciate the support I have received from many people: family, friends, medical staff, and this forum.
I will need a cardiac ablation in November to eliminate some Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs). I have about 20% PVC loading, so I average a PVC about every 5th heartbeat. Longterm this causes damage, so we want to eliminate at least most of the PVCs. Short term, I feel fine, except for some fatigue when the PVCs act up.
I will need a cardiac ablation in November to eliminate some Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs). I have about 20% PVC loading, so I average a PVC about every 5th heartbeat. Longterm this causes damage, so we want to eliminate at least most of the PVCs. Short term, I feel fine, except for some fatigue when the PVCs act up.