Disconcerting stress echo

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 5, 2014
Minnesota, US
So disconcerting experience last week with my stress echo - got in there, they strapped me into the bike, they did the initial echo, then the tech disappears for 30 mins. Comes back and says the test is over, gradient is significantly worse than my June echo and “they don’t need to make it worse” by doing the exercise part of the stress echo.

Not . . . great?

We'll see what happens.
I'm more short of breath this year and feel tired a lot which is why I pushed for followup. Mostly I feel frustrated with my cardiologist and like I am having to push hard for care. He kind of reluctantly ordered an echo in June after I developed afib this spring, then said it looked fine and new moderate tricuspid regurgitation is "just a thing that happens as you age" (No, and neither is afib for a 56 year old). When I pushed and reported the shortness of breath he reluctantly ordered the stress echo which was scheduled 6 weeks out and repeated that it's probably nothing. While waiting I had a retinal TIA. The ER doc for the TIA and the on-call cardiologist who read my June echo each put in their notes, that I should probably have a TEE. He did not respond do my question about this. My primary care doc was also concerned but also did not got a response about a TEE when he directly contacted the cardiologist on my behalf.

I also had to go through my primary care to get an Eliquis prescription in place (spent a week uncoagulated after my cardioversion) and then the cardiologist told me to go off it a week after that, even though it's supposed to be in place a minimum of 30 days after cardioversion, and even though I had reported episodes of paroxysmal afib twice a week. (I did NOT go off it and messaged and he reversed course, but he clearly was not tracking my case).

It is very hard for me to ask for help, so if I do and then don't get it, that's extremely stressful on me.

You're right Pellicle, I need to keep my emotions regulated here. I am not so much anxious as frustrated and wanting an accurate, clear care plan that is explained to me. This is probably not an emergency? But I don't have a great track record in this respect (see, "I'm coughing up blood a little bit," circa 2002.)
My office appointment isn't till 8/29.
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You're right Pellicle, I need to keep my emotions regulated here.
its easier to say harder to do. I struggled for some time (meaning failed a lot) and you are probably aware of all of that.

Just because I encourage and advise and offer the guidance of the ages does not mean I'm 100% in control. I'm pretty human and so fail a lot.

I am not so much anxious as frustrated and wanting an accurate, clear care plan that is explained to me.
that's quite sensible but sometimes we need to accept that getting data takes time, and sometimes waiting is hard. However if you've started AntiCoagulation Therapy (ACT) getting the data on the other stuff is not "urgent" (like preventing a stroke is).

This is probably not an emergency?

agreed ... and if you aren't on ACT, consider starting 75mg of Aspirin ... personally I buy 300mg supermarket aspirin for cents, split that into 2 and take one half every second day. Aspirin is an antiplatelet medication, and this forms half of the chemistry in clot formation.

rationale: half life of aspirin is short "Aspirin decays rapidly, with a half-life of 20 minutes, but the platelet inhibition persists throughout the platelet's life span (7 ± 2 days)". This means that only platelets in the body can be effected during this time. Platelets regenerate "The normal half-life of platelets is 7 to 10 days. There are 150 to 350 × 109/L platelets in the circulation, but their concentration near arterial vessel walls is significantly higher owing to the margination of platelets by larger RBCs"

So you've always got a mix of active and "slowed down activity" platelets.

half life
platelet production

Some thoughts from Antiquity




like fitness training, control over the emotions requires training and willingness. I'm sure its within your grasp (I'm just pointing the way)

Best Wishes

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