Hello d33gs,
It seems you are doing very well, including your best riding time that occurred 6 months post op. And your current alternation between 12K hard walks and 23K bike rides is very impressive indeed. Shooting for "optimal" sounds like a smart plan. Bravo!! Have a wonderful new year!!
I have been impressed and pleased since the day of my surgery in May 2005. Also, I was fortunate to have had an outstanding surgeon who was very experienced with my condition and with valve replacement procedures. He provided excellent guidance before and after the surgery.
Best of luck!
My tissue valve dates from May, 2005 -- 17+ years! It is still going strong, as are our two very energetic grandsons!
Best wishes to you and your grandson for many more happy years!
I got my valve in May, 2005, along with a graft of the ascending aorta that was discovered during the valve surgery. I was 60 at the time and playing reasonably competitive squash, holding my own against younger players. The bicuspid valve had been diagnosed via a routine echo cardiogram that...