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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. J

    56 Year Old Female Preparing for her first ever real surgery, open heart surgery

    I, too, am from Wisconsin. I was 58 (I am now almost 72) when I had my first surgery at UW Madison hospital to fix an ascending aneurysm. That was an emergency as I had no clue I even had anything wrong, or a biscuspid aortic valve. A year later was a second surgery to fix another aneurysm and...
  2. J

    Taking testing kit on holiday, what are the rules with the lancets on planes?

    Same here. I carry my tester and paraphernalia on plane. They have never even asked about it.
  3. J

    New member & “bloody” question

    Yes…I’m all for you going to the ER
  4. J

    Surgery tomorrow- time to lock in :)

    Congrats!! This forum is a great place to learn how to manage your warfarin. Thank God I listened and bought my own tester. it saved quite a few trips to Doctor.
  5. J

    food poisoning and INR

    Yes, I have had that happen with food poisoning and the flu. If you are not eating well and also “vacating” it can really mess with warfarin levels. If it was me, I would not skip more than one day. One day usually brings it way down for me. Check your level after the skip and adjust...
  6. J

    Availability of CoaguChek XS strips on eBay

    I just received a box via eBay from a company called Self Care. i just received I just receive strips through eBay. There was an email that they may no longer be able to sell via EBay, BUT they would sell direct from their website which is They have been reliable.
  7. J

    Anyone experience occasional palpitations or premature ventricular contractions?

    I have them and have gone to ER a couple times, scared! I have been assured they are nothing to worry about. One ER doctor Suggested cutting down on caffeine. that HAS helped. I now drink no more than 2 cups of coffee or I drink 1/2 decaffeinated. I, also, keep to no caffeine sodas.
  8. J

    Testing Strips for Roche CoaguChek XS

    I’d get my strips from a company Reliable . I usually get them within 7 business days.
  9. J

    changes in INR within a week.

    I have a St Jude AND I self test with guidance from my PC if I need. Holding a dose, even ONE dose and not testing For a week is, IMO, stupid. LOL..go ahead and report me too! oh, yeah,,, this is based on experience AND the advice of my Dr . In the USA. geeeze Louise.
  10. J

    Need Help Choosing! 14 Questions For Those With Mechanical Valve + Warfarin

    My bleed when I had food poisoning was because without eating my INR went sky high…Something like 8.1. This prompted bleeding. ( I have some internal hemorrhoids..sorry TMI) Warfarin is closely tied with what and how much you eat. if you decide to fast even one day, I would expect that your...
  11. J

    Need Help Choosing! 14 Questions For Those With Mechanical Valve + Warfarin

    60 9 years Still ticking I've had bleed due to getting food poisoning and not being able to eat. Since that I have self monitored. not too much. I also have auto immune hepatitis. That limits me more than warfarin no problem with bridging BUT be your own advocate when warfarin is...
  12. J

    Warfarin & arthritis: pain relievers?

    Lol…don’t want o argue, but if you Google Tylenol it specifically states it is not an anti-inflammatory.
  13. J

    Warfarin & arthritis: pain relievers?

    Actually, tylenol /acetaminophen, is NOT an anti-inflammatory. It is strictly a pain reducer. I have found that it does work for me. Advil is ibuprofen, an NSAID NSAIDs should not be taken on a regular basis with a mechanical valve…not sure how it works with a tissue valve.
  14. J

    Mechanical Valve Noise and Quality of Life Study

    I have a mechanical valve and after 9 years I still hear it all the time. Some things, like alcohol, makes it louder… However, the extent to which it hinders sleep has decreased over the years. I hardly pay attention to it. Of course, I cannot sleep ON the ear, but have a pillow scrunched or...
  15. J

    What was your best Birthday Celebration

    My best birthday was my surprise 60th thrown by my husband. i was due to go into my second OHS On March 14. My birthday is March 16. This OHS ( first one was a year before) was to fix a second AA and replace my Aortic valve. (I was trying not to think about it!) He talked me into going out for...