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    • Evgenii
      Evgenii replied to the thread Gross Hematuria - blood in urine.
      how did your story end?
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii reacted to V__'s post in the thread New member with the usual dilemma with Like Like.
      In principle, yes, this can happen. But many things can happen. One way to look at it is how likely is something to happen. That's why...
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
      for example, regarding diet and products, I saw a lot of evidence that people ate them in moderation without affecting the inr and I...
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
      That's about what I think, after all, these are medical documents that are not pure fiction
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii reacted to 3mm's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
      Please don't worry ... too much! If there is a change in my life such as pneumonia, antibiotics, etc., then I may test more frequently...
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
      I am 44 and I would worry less if I did not take any medications, but I have had surgery on my spine in two places and knees ...
    • Evgenii
      in 18 years even a heart that has not undergone surgery can become very sick
    • Evgenii this issue is being...
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
      what worries me most about this whole story is that inr can rise or fall before the weekly testing, meaning I'll find out about it too late
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii reacted to LondonAndy's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
      Colds decrease my INR (for example, my INR fell by 1.1 in a week recently. Antibiotics increase INR, and my holiday fun can go either way.
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
      what you listed increases inr? what about nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii reacted to LondonAndy's post in the thread Coumadin and sun exposure with Like Like.
      There are no concerns about warfarin and sunbathing, according to our NHS side effects report. I shall be sunbathing with gay abandon in...
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
      in my country the recommendations for patients look something like this, and this list already makes me feel uneasy I am sending you...
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii reacted to SatoriFound's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
      My husband has pectus excavatum and had a prior open heart surgery as a child where they cracked open his chest cut all the intercostal...
    • Evgenii
      Evgenii reacted to SatoriFound's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
      It is highly recommended you do NOT smoke. Nicotine effects the bodies ability to heal. That is any form of nicotine, be it cigarettes...
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