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  • Evgenii
    Evgenii reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    firstly let me say that while "information" exists on the internet the quality (rigor and accuracy) of that is diminishing at a rate the...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
    And I actually believe that the figure from that small study, of 109g/m2, seems low. I would not be surprised if other studies find that...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
    the normal rate for men is up to 94 difference at the level of measurement error of average indicators
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
    LVH is very common for patients with aortic stenosis and/or regurgitation. I can't say what percentage of people have your level of...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
    hi, is there any information about mango not from articles on the internet? has any of the participants eaten mango while taking...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Coumadin and sun exposure with Like Like.
    As everyone else on this thread says "zero problems" Warfarin is prescribed to millions all around the world, for approaching a...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii reacted to RobThatsMe's post in the thread Coumadin and sun exposure with Like Like.
    I have not had much of an issue with that, but I sure do with my blood pressure meds.. Too much sun and I break out with little rash...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii reacted to Lucker's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
    The risk of arrhythmia generally increases if the heart is enlarged (myocardium hypertrophy or dilatation of the chambers), and if the...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread Having Ozaki Procedure July 10th.
    Hello, tell me what they did for you in the end and how it all went, how are you feeling from this moment on?
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
    Thank you for the valuable information! I have a few more questions that bother me in connection with what you are saying about...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
    If someone could tell me that it would take, for example, 1 year or 5 years or several months, for example, it would be clearer to me...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
    Bakulev's federal center offers me Ozaki based on echo with 2nd degree regurgitation, Veresaev's hospital based on measuring 3rd degree...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread Coumadin and sun exposure.
    Hello everyone, please write how things are with tanning if you have white skin and you take warfarin
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
    myocardial mass 321.646 grams Left ventricular myocardial mass index 142.573 g/m2 how often do these parameters go beyond the norm so...
  • Evgenii
    Evgenii reacted to V__'s post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
    It depends on what you mean. There are many parameters in this evaluation. If some of them are bad enough, it's time for surgery. There...