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    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to marc_kowal's post in the thread 13 years and counting with Like Like.
      13 years ago, I was being wheeled into the O.R .for my aortic valve replacement/ bentall procedure surgery. As I was kissing my wife...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to dick0236's post in the thread Feeling a little less scared now with Like Like.
      You have a great attitude BrownEyes. Be sure and stay in touch with after your surgery. You will no longer be a "newbie" and...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread Feeling a little less scared now with Like Like.
      That is a great mindset going in. Even in those challenging 2 or 3 days, there can be great psychological victories. Each day you will...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to JH51's post in the thread Feeling a little less scared now with Like Like.
      I was in your position: aged 73, no real symptoms to speak of, but my moderate/ severe stenosis apparently progressed to the point where...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to BrownEyes's post in the thread Feeling a little less scared now with Like Like.
      When I last posted on here, was so very nervous about my OHS for Bicuspid valve replacement and repair of aortic root aneurism. Since...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to robbiew's post in the thread Third Anniversary! with Like Like.
      aortic and trcuspid replacement 39 years ago. mechanical valves still hanging in there
    • Seaton
      Dick is a very humble man and, from comments he has made in the past on the subject, I don't believe getting the recognition is a big...
    • Seaton
      Thanks Lisa and Chuck. I think my wife of 68 years might have an issue with......"a very humble man" LOL. I was lucky to find this...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to pellicle's post in the thread PFO? with Like Like.
      Hi Assuming there was nothing irregular found about your valve, then most likely. ...and probably a more reliable one than one of the...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to pellicle's post in the thread PFO? with Like Like.
      ... might be the cause of the clot
    • Seaton
      Seaton replied to the thread PFO?.
      Received a prompt digital report today of yesterday’s cardiology review. It appears I most likely have a PFO. A summary at the end of...
    • Seaton
      Seaton replied to the thread PFO?.
      Sorry to hear that Buck. Hope you managed a full recovery. Should a PFO turn out to be the case with me, it will be extraordinary that...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to Buck83's post in the thread PFO? with Like Like.
      I had OHS in 2022 for an AVR and aortic aneurysm repair. Had testing prior to include a full heart cath. 9 months later I had a stroke...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to GreenGiant91's post in the thread PFO? with Like Like.
      They only found my PFO when they opened me up to replace my valve. I’ve had countless scans in my heart and it was never spotted. They...
    • Seaton
      Seaton reacted to Bubba T's post in the thread PFO? with Like Like.
      They saw my wife’s PFO during preliminary tests and mentioned he would stitch it when he was repairing the valve (turned out being a...
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