Remote INR taking over Coaguchek

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Actually, that's what I did. I transferred strip guide and battery cover from the older meter that I'd been using since 2014 onto the new meter that I got for $29.95. My old meter is one of my backup meters. Just for the hell of it, I got another $29.95 meter - it WAS used for tests, but still looked better than my former workhorse.
In all, I have 3 backups and one primary meter. I'm nowhere near cornering the market, and probably won't ever need a backup. Maybe, when pigs fly, I'll actually do some traveling - and can bring a backup meter so that, if it's stolen, it wouldn't be that big a deal.

Now - as far as cornering the market, in a moment of weakness, I bought another Coag-Sense PT2 meter. It works fine. The firmware upgraded, and it successfully ran a test. If any of you are in the market for this meter, send me a private message.

I still have two of the Coag-Sense 'classics' - one that was sent as a replacement of the one I had, and one that I bought years ago as a backup.

The price for these things is all over the place. -- it may depend on people selling grandpa's and seeing a list price of $800 (or something) or people who see the price on eBay and try to match it.

I have WAY more meters than I'll probably need.

When I'm dead, my kids may not even be notified. If they find out, they may try to trash the meters.


One more thing: it's probably not a bad idea to wait until the InRange finally hits the U.S. shores, and the XS is pulled from the market.

At that point, I may try to have Medicare get me one.

It looks nicer. It has a color display. It has bluetooth (and maybe WiFi) and, with the right software can even send the results to your doctor.
But for basic functionality - for the ability to run tests - it's no different from the XS. Same strips. Same results.
Replying to myself (never a good thing - as one me likes to say JANE YOU IGNORANT ****! to the other me - sorry vintage Saturday night reference)....

Anyway, here is an update on biotel/philips/cardionet/whoever they are.

I said I would not call them again to point out their billing mistakes/lack of billing/the billing issue I mentioned just prior to that post but I had to call them about my Dr retiring and needing to update my physician that oversees my INR results.

So after getting into that, the lady I spoke to was very helpful and when she asked if there was anything else I needed or wanted to ask about I felt that I should let them know again that they still have yet to actually bill ME (have only ever billed my insurance company but never me for my part) and that their latest bill was rejected by my insurance because they/philips used the wrong billing code or whatever it was for that submission.

She thanked me for telling her about that and said she would pass that on to the billing dept.

So today, about 3 weeks later, I got a new BC/BS EOB and one of the things in there is a submission from cardionet which was rejected, this time because "service was submitted for payment after the claim filing limit". This is like the 3rd/4th/5th/100th time this happened btw. I'm not even sure if this one was them redoing the last one which they submitted wrong though, would need to find that other EOB and look at the "service date".

How do they stay in business??? I know there were some explanations of all this merger/service sell-off stuff already in this thread where many of us went over a year without a single bill but still, how can a company survive like this?? (just wondering)

P.S. I just got another EOB from BC/BS. It has yet another charge rejected from "Cardionet" (think that is what they call their billing agency or whatever) for being submitted too late to be honored.
One more thing: it's probably not a bad idea to wait until the InRange finally hits the U.S. shores, and the XS is pulled from the market.

It has indeed hit the US shores! I got mine in February. I wanted to buy it, but the new company only provides it, along with the strips and lancets, as part of their monitoring service.
P.S. I just got another EOB from BC/BS. It has yet another charge rejected from "Cardionet" (think that is what they call their billing agency or whatever) for being submitted too late to be honored.

Another update. Just got another EOB from BC/BS. 3 charges of the usual $880.00 each all from periods of 2022. All 3 denied by BC/BS. 1 denied for "we already have this charge" (one they already denied) and the other 2 both denied for using "procedure code that is not on the fee schedule". Sheesh. I did already tell cardionet about this stuff (see above) but they keep on making the same mistakes (or maybe this is a new one I 4get some of the other reasons they got denied last year other than taking too long to submit their bills. They obviously have serious billing problems.

I'm afraid I may not be able to keep going at my job & will lose my insurance because this nightshift is killing me in multiple ways and don't know how I lasted even this long, so I took a look at ebay for used units and the ones there for $30 are missing not only that blue thing on the front that is needed to get it to work but also the battery cover on the back. I know earlier in the thread someone said they were able to get Roche to send them a replacement blue thing cover but what about the battery part on the back (and how/who did you contact there who helped you out)? In light of my possible work/health insurance demise I would like to get a working backup unit and am willing to risk ebay to get one, but want to get one while I still have my good working one to compare readings with so I know the backup one even works right.....
o I took a look at ebay for used units and the ones there for $30 are missing not only that blue thing on the front that is needed to get it to work but also the battery cover on the back.
that's about right, but you can spend a bit more and get one that has them ... also if you already have an XS then you could swap that part over.

Also I believe @Timmay found a place selling 3D printed covers for very little.

but want to get one while I still have my good working one to compare readings with so I know the backup one even works right.....
its a reasonable approach, but to be frank its pretty un-needed. Think of it like this: if you have a piece of tech it will either work or not. A used mobile phone won't start giving corrupted emails or garbled texts, it will work or it won't.

Best Wishes
Also I believe @Timmay found a place selling 3D printed covers for very little.

Unfortunately no. One of my units clearly came with a 3D printed battery cover and a 3D printed strip guide. However, I haven't found these online for sale yet. I would imagine that someone involved in the 3D printing community might be able to find the plans for them? Or else the EBay'er is keeping it under wraps so that they can made more money :)
Skipkid - i worked graveyard - 7 days a week - plus being a full time student - for seven years. Sleep was a luxury. I often fell asleep standing up (according to my wife). My body still tells me when it's 1 AM.

If you leave your job, I hope you find one with more regular hours.

As far as the $30 XS meters are concerned - I've bought three - and they all work. One was new - it still had the plastic on it.

The phone number for Roche is printed on the back of the meter. You might just be able to give them a call, and they might send the battery cover and strip guide.

Even if they don't, it's really not that big a deal. Batteries stay in the meter pretty tightly, and you can always tape a piece of cardboard or plastic over the batteries so you don't somehow shake them loose.

The strip guide issue is also easy to work around. What the strip guide does is press on a switch that enables the test to be run. I found a way to make the meter work, but won't put it in this message. If you want to know how, send me a private message.

I now have three 'backup' XS meters, and an XS Pro (which has many of the features of the InRange), on its way. If you would like one of the $30 units at no charge (other than shipping), let me know. You'll still have to get strips, but I can at least save you $30 for a used meter.

I have an extra XS and two extra Coag-Sense meters that are just taking up space. It's probably not worth the trouble of trying to sell them.

So - if you - or any of the others who read this - want one, just send me a private message. These will do a lot more good by enabling people to test their INR than it does taking up space in my house. All I'll ask for is my cost of shipping (and, of course, if you feel like kicking in a few more dollars, I won't object, but don't expect it).
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It has indeed hit the US shores! I got mine in February. I wanted to buy it, but the new company only provides it, along with the strips and lancets, as part of their monitoring service.
Yes. The InRange IS avaliable in the United States. I spoke to Roche a few years ago, and they told me that the InRange and the Vantus will be used by their anticoagulation service - but that Roche owns them, and will want them returned when a customer stops using their service.

These meters are useful for Roche because results and reminders can be sent using the meter's WiFi or Bluetooth.

At this time, as far as I know, Roche will NOT sell an InRange meter to U.S. customers. Ditto for Vantus (although I'm seeing a few on eBay).

I was offered an InRange by an Australian seller for $350, but it didn't offer any benefits (other than a newer display and touch controls) that made it worth the money. It's bigger (I think), somewhat sexier, has communications capabilities I may never need (unless, possibly, Roche will do firmware upgrades sent over WiFi), that made it worth the money.

I've been testing on my XS since around 2014.
I have an XS Pro that I paid $40 for on its way to me - it gives me the same basic menus as the InRange, plus a lot of memory and other stuff that I don't need.

Unless Medicare buys me an InRange (once the XS is completely removed from the U.S. market), I'll be happy with my XS and Coag-Sense meters.
It happens.

These bargain 'used' XS meters aren't without possible fixes or workarounds - if Roche won't send these items to you if you ask nicely. (I haven't tried this).

The batteries on my XS machines all fit snugly, held by strong springs in the battery compartment. You can probably cut a piece of hard plastic or thin cardboard to cover the space, and use some tape to keep it attached.

When I got my first $30 meter, I thought that it didn't work - and the vendor thought that she sent a piece of plastic that goes where the switch is, and allowed the meter to work. Taking her advice, I found that a used strip pushed into the space where the switch is makes the meter usable (not my idea, the seller's).

Honestly, I'm not sure how a 3D printed strip guide would work, unless it somehow was able to lift the interlock switch.
Skipkid - i worked graveyard - 7 days a week - plus being a full time student - for seven years. Sleep was a luxury. I often fell asleep standing up (according to my wife). My body still tells me when it's 1 AM.

If you leave your job, I hope you find one with more regular hours.

As far as the $30 XS meters are concerned - I've bought three - and they all work. One was new - it still had the plastic on it.

The phone number for Roche is printed on the back of the meter. You might just be able to give them a call, and they might send the battery cover and strip guide.

Even if they don't, it's really not that big a deal. Batteries stay in the meter pretty tightly, and you can always tape a piece of cardboard or plastic over the batteries so you don't somehow shake them loose.

The strip guide issue is also easy to work around. What the strip guide does is press on a switch that enables the test to be run. I found a way to make the meter work, but won't put it in this message. If you want to know how, send me a private message.

I now have three 'backup' XS meters, and an XS Pro (which has many of the features of the InRange), on its way. If you would like one of the $30 units at no charge (other than shipping), let me know. You'll still have to get strips, but I can at least save you $30 for a used meter.

I have an extra XS and two extra Coag-Sense meters that are just taking up space. It's probably not worth the trouble of trying to sell them.

So - if you - or any of the others who read this - want one, just send me a private message. These will do a lot more good by enabling people to test their INR than it does taking up space in my house. All I'll ask for is my cost of shipping (and, of course, if you feel like kicking in a few more dollars, I won't object, but don't expect it).

Very generous of you. I will contact you via a PM. I'll pay for the meter though (& the shipping).
I didn't read the article but will add that thanks to nightshfit I now have high blood pressure. Only getting 3-4 hours of continuous sleep a day for 2 years is probably a large component, adding that on days off I sleep/nap almost all the time because am so tired and now I have no "real" sleep pattern at all.
Sounds like what I did years ago - worked graveyard at one job from 11:30 PM until 7:30 AM on Sunday Night through Thursday Night, then dispatched for a limousine company from Friday night at 11 until noon Saturday, then from 7 PM until, I think, around noon Sunday. Oh, I was also a full time student.

My wife told me that I was able to sleep standing up.

Now, I'm often at my computer until around 1 AM, sleeping around 2 AM, up at around 3:30 am, then, finally at sleep until around 7 or 8 AM. I take a 1 or 2 hour nap during the day.

I don't really have a sleep pattern.

(Some scientists have theorized that people have different genetically coded sleep patterns. Mine starts late at night - which is probably why graveyard shifts were okay for me.

I wouldn't be surprised if this kind of schedule COULD put a bit of a strain on your heart.
I didn't read the article but will add that thanks to nightshfit I now have high blood pressure. Only getting 3-4 hours of continuous sleep a day for 2 years is probably a large component, adding that on days off I sleep/nap almost all the time because am so tired and now I have no "real" sleep pattern at all.
You need to read the article before you post it, for most of the this is misinformation. I never post with misinformation, for I always read the article and see about where it came from.
Well I KNEW this was going to happen due to some past experience with a crazy hospital bill which not submitted by the hospital for over a year, then adjusted downwards by BC/BS several hundred $ less, then a year after that resubmitted by the hospital to BC/BS yet again at the original amount but at that point then allowed at the original amount by BC/BS....

Regarding Biotel Heart/Cardionet and their billing screwups which I have already posted about multiple times, I just got a surprise statement from BC/BS.

One of Cardionet's old charges dated from in March 2021 which was DENIED by BC/BS later that year because "the service was submitted for payment after the filing claim limit" has now (over a year later after being denied) has been accepted with reason of "We took a second look at this claim and caught something that needed to change. Look at your total cost to see what your portion of the cost is now".

Since BC/BS has basically denied most of the charges from Biotel for the time limit thing or the other reasons I mentioned above in various posts like "we already have this charge" (for ones that they denied originally for exceeding the time limit which were resubmitted by Cardionet again months later), or "procedure code that is not on the fee schedule" (which is what has been happening to every bill the past year or so) I expect that now every bill which was denied for whatever reason is going to end up with a changed disposition and I will be hit with a mountain of bills from Cardionet all at once. Sigh.

I can only hope that when that happens they at least bill me the right amounts instead of inflating things (something I have also gone through) which then end up being a huge hassle trying to get untangled dealing with BC/BS or the vendor.
Well I KNEW this was going to happen due to some past experience with a crazy hospital bill which not submitted by the hospital for over a year, then adjusted downwards by BC/BS several hundred $ less, then a year after that resubmitted by the hospital to BC/BS yet again at the original amount but at that point then allowed at the original amount by BC/BS....

Regarding Biotel Heart/Cardionet and their billing screwups which I have already posted about multiple times, I just got a surprise statement from BC/BS.

One of Cardionet's old charges dated from in March 2021 which was DENIED by BC/BS later that year because "the service was submitted for payment after the filing claim limit" has now (over a year later after being denied) has been accepted with reason of "We took a second look at this claim and caught something that needed to change. Look at your total cost to see what your portion of the cost is now".

Since BC/BS has basically denied most of the charges from Biotel for the time limit thing or the other reasons I mentioned above in various posts like "we already have this charge" (for ones that they denied originally for exceeding the time limit which were resubmitted by Cardionet again months later), or "procedure code that is not on the fee schedule" (which is what has been happening to every bill the past year or so) I expect that now every bill which was denied for whatever reason is going to end up with a changed disposition and I will be hit with a mountain of bills from Cardionet all at once. Sigh.

I can only hope that when that happens they at least bill me the right amounts instead of inflating things (something I have also gone through) which then end up being a huge hassle trying to get untangled dealing with BC/BS or the vendor.
It may be less expensive and easier to just buy the tester and strips yourself. Call in the results to your PCP weekly.
Well this is fun (not).

For the first time ever I was finally sent 2 bills from "Biotel Heart". Both for dates of service in 2022 which BC/BS denied because of "wrong procedure codes".

So instead now they are billing me DIRECT without actual insurance contract negotiated rates. Their statements are for $880 with an $800 "discount" saying I owe $80 for each. Oddly, for the few of their submissions over the past 3 years which DID get approved by BC/BS the amounts I was responsible for was $12 (and after my BC/BS deductible had been hit the amount was only $1 and something) - and for those dates of service (which go back to 2021) they have yet to bill me.

The bills I now received clearly state to contact your insurance company with insurance related questions before calling us so that is what I did. Person I spoke with at BC/BS basically said that they cannot bill me like this and need to get proper clearance/go through BC/BS, submit with the proper codes, then bill me the adjusted amounts.

He setup a 3-way conference call to Biotel with him on the line so we could all discuss. But Biotel Heart is so overwhelmed (or short staffed?) that we cannot get through. Tried this twice already. First time their system said our wait time was 40 minutes. After about 10-20 minutes we got kicked out of their hold queue and forced into a "leave a voice message" type of thing. Since that would not work for our conference call we decided to reconvene and try again the next week (on my next day off).

Similar thing happened again. On hold 10-15 minutes but kicked out to voice message system again.

BC/BS rep is supposed to try to call them on his own in the meantime then get back with me next week.

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