Bleeding issue

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"For me", With INR = 3.2 yes, my GUMS will bleed when flushing, in my range of 2 - 2.5, never.
no matter what, repeat "For Me".
thank you for that reply, answers a lot of things i was wondering about. thing is about this WARFARIN issue, i think that the PROS/doctors etc., are in fact clueless as to how to deal with a patient that is taking this drug! and those that are either not DR's. and or not even nurses, in fact either know a lot less, or nothing at all! THEY all are going by the book, and this is all that they know, and after all of these years, ya think that someone should know more then it seems that they do know!
BUT I AM NOW convinced that those of us that are blessed to be able to do so, HOME TESTING is the way to go to at least keep it in the range they seem to know it should be!!! am I right S?
There is no "mouthful of plaque"! where is all this coming from, someone here thinks that I am homeless or something? oh oh, just figured it out, your all jushing me, as in pulling my leg, as in being sarcastic, or something! and in that case, NM!!! LOL, there ya go we can now all have a good laugh and at my expense! i am a big boy now, I can take it, I am also a Vet!
There is no "mouthful of plaque"! where is all this coming from, someone here thinks that I am homeless or something? oh oh, just figured it out, your all jushing me, as in pulling my leg, as in being sarcastic, or something! and in that case, NM!!! LOL, there ya go we can now all have a good laugh and at my expense! i am a big boy now, I can take it, I am also a Vet!

Bleeding gums isnt all about bad oral hygiene nor is it about warfarin. It can be genetic as much as anything. One of my kids was always pretty lazy when it came to brushing. Never had an issue with the dentist. Another was and is on the ball. Brushes after meals,flosses, all on point. He’s had the most cavities in the family. Neither is on warfarin.

One doesn’t have to be a homeless person to have sensitive gums. The fact that they bleed has little to do with Warfarin (as pointed out). How long they take to stop bleeding can be impacted by warfarin.
Yes for sure, could very well be, sensitive gums. seems to be only one section of gums. and where I have no teeth left, those gums are doing fine, and are very healthy and all, so NOW that i had added that little gem.....that I seem to have left out in my other replies! SEEMS also that there are, now that you added what you did, SUPERMAN, seems to be a few other things that may be the cause of this problem! AND sorry if i went to far in talking about the homeless, being homeless by no means, and by any standard, should or could be a thing to be ashamed of........FACTS are now that is could and does happen to anyone and at any time! ALSO A FACT: in the USA there are many HOMELESS FAMILIES!!!! AND THAT I THINK IS SOMETHING THAT WE ALL HERE IN THE U.S.A. SHOULD AND NEED TO BE ASHAMED OF! and that brings back to mind, in KEY WEST FLORIDA, the at one time rounded em all up, and told em, either jail, or take this bus ticket out of town, and dont ever come back! [yes, they were forced to stop that......]
Try this mouth rinse before you go to sleep or after your last meal at night!


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PS you may have a urinary tract infection
CUZ of mine and up in CONN. died from an infection, perhaps UTI, dont know yet. first wife had that, and i told her, get in and at least by Monday, and see her doctor, is with wives, they dont listen, well 3 more days went by, and weds morning she went into, TONS OF PAIN, she was lying next to bed and on floor, she couldnt move, went to Hosp. for a few days, that turned out to be fluid on the lungs, turned out to be pneumonia. And the time she did have the UTI, now that was also, very painful, and if ya got that, youll know it. I drink tons of water, etc. everyday, and pee alot, i dont ever want that.
There is no "mouthful of plaque"! where is all this coming from, someone here thinks that I am homeless or something? oh oh, just figured it out, your all jushing me, as in pulling my leg, as in being sarcastic, or something! and in that case, NM!!! LOL, there ya go we can now all have a good laugh and at my expense! i am a big boy now, I can take it, I am also a Vet!
  • Angry
Reactions:carolinemc<<<<>>>> so than, i dont understand, what are you mad about, and what did i miss! just a misunderstanding perhaps??? ya that is it!1644967038341.gif1644967038341.gif
Hi all , looking for a bit of advice , could an inr of 4.3 cause me to wee mainly blood this morning, first time ever and out of the blue . Thinking of going up my local hospital . Regards Paul

Paul call your GP and please dont take anything you read hear as FACT no matter if they claim to be a doctor or not. For anything about Warfarin I talk to my cardiologists, GP and the person at the anti anticoag clinic in that order and only them.
Paul call your GP and please dont take anything you read hear as FACT no matter if they claim to be a doctor or not.
absolutely, even if they are a doctor or a surgeon ... heck don't even take anything your GP says as a FACT no matter what they claim.

you just can't trust anything anyone says or writes on the internet. In fact you really shouldn't ask anyone any questions here because we're all misinformed and or liars (especially me).
Paul call your GP and please dont take anything you read hear as FACT no matter if they claim to be a doctor or not. For anything about Warfarin I talk to my cardiologists, GP and the person at the anti anticoag clinic in that order and only them.

You said in a previous post that since your surgery you can no longer eat greens. I wonder which of your medical team told you that. That was bad information. Doctors are human and they make mistakes. There is great value in hearing what others who have a lifetime of experience have to say and sometimes you can learn things that many doctors get wrong, such as it is ok to eat greens if you are on warfarin- most days I eat two large salads loaded with greens.

We should listen to our doctors, but I have found it of great benefit to also listen to people who have lived with my condition for decades and find their collective experience extremely valuable. And, Paul did suggest that he would likely go to the hospital and others have encouraged him to do so. It is not as though he was seeking advice instead of medical attention. Nothing wrong with seeking medical attention, and at the same time ask others if they have experienced the issue.
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I am sure Paul's OK since his last post was about 2 weeks or so after he started the thread and it was a congratulations to Pellicle on an anniversary.
Paul call your GP and please dont take anything you read hear as FACT no matter if they claim to be a doctor or not. For anything about Warfarin I talk to my cardiologists, GP and the person at the anti anticoag clinic in that order and only them.

Even if your cardiologist says that at 71 you’re too old to have an aneurysm repaired? Will you just accept that as fact and not consider any alternatives? Or will you take into consideration the many participants on these boards who have successfully underwent open heart surgery, and with the knowledge of that experience, seek out a second opinion?
I wonder which of your medical team told you that. That was bad information.
what are you saying? How could the holy holies give bad information (well, unless he had an online consultation that may count as the internet 🤔)

Personally I never eat Greens ... I prefer to eat better tasting meat ... like Republicans or Liberal Party members (more fat)
what are you saying? How could the holy holies give bad information

Of course the doctor who told him not to eat greens was correct, because doctors are never wrong about these things. As for my experience with greens and that of the dozens of other members here on warfarin, we are nothing more than internet randoms who don't really know anything. In fact, I'm not sure that we really even exist. :unsure:

As for the research which supports our anecdotal experience with greens, and which even suggests that those with healthy vitamin K intake are more often in range than those who limit vitamin K, shown below, well, even if published, they are also found on the internet and, as such, must be ignored.
well, unless he had an online consultation that may count as the internet

Excellent point. Technically, an online consultation is on the internet and therefore it must be all folly.

It goes like this:

The internet is full of misinformation.
We are on the internet.
Therefore, we are full of misinformation.

Kind of like witch logic:


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