Well-known member
I had my AVR (St. Jude) on 12-15-00, and have felt great for the past 6-8 months with no symptoms other than related to the healing from the surgery itself.
Since the first of the year I've worked out a the gym five days per week, stuck to a very consistent diet and sleep schedule and managed to loose 15 pounds. My PT/INR has been consistently between 2.6 - 2.8.
We went on vacation last week to attend a family wedding in Michigan, and on the way home I passed out while driving on the interstate. Fortunately my wife was in the front seat and grabbed the steering wheel and started yelling at me and shaking me. I snapped back almost immediately and pulled off the road. I was pretty shakey the rest of the afternoon and that evening I developed a fever during the night. My wife wanted to take me to the nearest emergency room, but I decided to hold off as I really didn't feel that bad and we were going to be home the next day anyway. By the next moring I felt fine, but I did let my wife and college-age kids drive the rest of the way home.
I called my cardiologist's office as soon as I got back in town and told them what happened. They had me come in immediately for a PT/INR , and found it had dropped to 2.2. (Ten days of motels and restaurant food I figured). They bumped my Coumadin doseage and scheduled another blood test in two weeks. (I also indulged in a couple of glasses of red wine that night to help speed the blood-thinning process along...)
My cardiologist said my valve sounded good with no obvious signs of clotting. He has scheduled me for a Holter monitor on Thursday and an echo doppler on Friday.
Pending the results of all the tests, he speculated that my problem possibly could be the result of the low PT/INR, a random clot sticking momentarily in the valve, an irregular heartbeat, a transient infection (a theory supported by the fever later that night), or (most probably) a freakish occurance that they'll never figure out for sure.
I guess I'm more curious than anything else. I'll let you know what develops.
Any similar experiences out there?

Since the first of the year I've worked out a the gym five days per week, stuck to a very consistent diet and sleep schedule and managed to loose 15 pounds. My PT/INR has been consistently between 2.6 - 2.8.
We went on vacation last week to attend a family wedding in Michigan, and on the way home I passed out while driving on the interstate. Fortunately my wife was in the front seat and grabbed the steering wheel and started yelling at me and shaking me. I snapped back almost immediately and pulled off the road. I was pretty shakey the rest of the afternoon and that evening I developed a fever during the night. My wife wanted to take me to the nearest emergency room, but I decided to hold off as I really didn't feel that bad and we were going to be home the next day anyway. By the next moring I felt fine, but I did let my wife and college-age kids drive the rest of the way home.
I called my cardiologist's office as soon as I got back in town and told them what happened. They had me come in immediately for a PT/INR , and found it had dropped to 2.2. (Ten days of motels and restaurant food I figured). They bumped my Coumadin doseage and scheduled another blood test in two weeks. (I also indulged in a couple of glasses of red wine that night to help speed the blood-thinning process along...)
My cardiologist said my valve sounded good with no obvious signs of clotting. He has scheduled me for a Holter monitor on Thursday and an echo doppler on Friday.
Pending the results of all the tests, he speculated that my problem possibly could be the result of the low PT/INR, a random clot sticking momentarily in the valve, an irregular heartbeat, a transient infection (a theory supported by the fever later that night), or (most probably) a freakish occurance that they'll never figure out for sure.
I guess I'm more curious than anything else. I'll let you know what develops.
Any similar experiences out there?