My apologies for this lengthy thread!
On March 4th I had my 6-month echo at my cardio's office...three months ago it was done at UCLA Main lab. Unable to see me the day of the echo, my cardio called me that evening telling me the echo is perfect!! I asked about valves, he said I had a miral leak! He tried to convince it was OK. Next morning I requested a copy which was faxed to me. The M-Mode measurements are all within the normal range, except for Left atrium which is 46 mm, which was 43mm three months.
Quoting parts of the report:
Ventricular/Atrial function: LV ejection fraction estimated at 50%. The normal mitral valve inflow Doppler tracing is consistent with normal diastolic functions: E Wave 1.3 m/sec ; A 0.9 m/sec; MVDT 253 m/sec [it was 187 3 mnths ago]
Valvular Function: The mechanical SJ mitral valve is appears to be functioning normally. There is mild mitral regurgitation. There is trace-to-mild tricupspild regurgitation.
Conclusion: There is normal left ventricular size and low to normal systolic function. There is normal vavular function including mechanical aortic valve and mechanical mitral valve. There is no pulmonary hypertension.
[I feel report somehow contradicts itself
There was NO other mention about aortic valve...NO mention of pulmonic regurgitation which showed three months ago...NO mention of peak gradient, mean gradient, etc. ]
My cardio explained the left atrium size depends on where the technician took the measurement from. I argued that all technicians should take measurement from a specific point! His response when I asked there is no info about AV was that there was no need to write details when the results are OK!!
When cardio listened to my heart he said it was crisp and no murmur! if there is a leak, there should be a murmur ??? right ???
The morning I received the fax, I called my surgeon’s office and shared my concerns with the secretary. She said she would ask for the echo CD and ask Dr. Shemin to look at it, and if he did not approve of it, I would repeat the test. Not hearing from her, I called her this pm...she said she did not show the CD to Shemin as my cardio assured her the echo is OK and I am fine. I questioned if it is normal for a mechanical valve to leak, how come the aortic valve did not show any leak?! how come the left atrium is large than last time? how come others with mechanical valves do not have a leak? etc. She jotted down my concerns recommended I mention all this to Dr. Shemin when I see him on Friday, since he definitely has some time for me then.
So, what do you think?! any arguments to present in case he thinks echo was OK! In case he did not see the echo yet? In case ??? Should I insist on repeating the echo?
He may simply ask me to have it repeated and then I would feel bad for having trouble you and taken your time, which is why I was hesitant to post this before. Inside me I feel the technician was not experienced enough. She was too fast in making the measurements and too fast in moving from one spot to another ... all other technicians had to push hard to get a clear image! I did not say anything at the time as I did not want not to prejudge her.
Many thanks in advance
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