hope my shirt qualifies as Tawdry!

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
Well here I am three weeks and two days after surgery. I've never noticed but it looks to me in the pictures that I must have blown a stitch in the middle. I think it was when I had to sneeze and couldn't find my pillow so I tried to hold it in. What a mistake.

Oh well, hope my shirt and pose qualifies for "TOOTS"

Get out!!
That's not a 3 week scar. Its gotta be the air or something that's making you West coasters heal so quick.
The shirt looks great Ian.
I have hat exactly like that :)
I think you win---hat,shirt, and pose are great and the scar looks magnificent!
Just to remind folks what the Tawdry Shirt is all about. (It really isn't just about photos with your scar)...

There are several Tawdry Shirts out there, available to whomever wants to wear one for a photo after surgery. They are passalongs, and collect photos and names as they go forward to new valve recipients. It's about being a part of a big chain of people who have all gone through this life-altering event.


- Post a request for a Tawdry Shirt shortly before or just after your surgery. Someone will reply that they have one,and will mail it to you.

- It will contain the shirt, the Tawdry Shirt credo, and photos of others who have worn and passed that shirt along.

- Take a post-surgery photo in it (scar display is not required, but very cool). Put a copy of the photo with comments in with everyone else's. Wash the shirt (standard washing, low-temp dry). Put it in a mailing box ready to mail it to whoever wants to participate next.

If you want a Tawdry Shirt Certificate, give me a holler with a PM and I'll mail one out to you.

Best wishes,
I am ready to party, all I need is a "Cerveza". Then I look outside and see the snow falling. It never (well rarely) snows in Victoria and never in March.

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