Try before surgery

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Chicago, IL
I know this may sound crazy but I am still trying to decide what kind of valve to get. I am pre-surgery. I have been reading a lot of stories about bad effects. Does anyone think that it would be beneficial to try taking this before surgery to see my reaction??
What is your main concern about anticoagulation? I'm sure that most everything you've heard is utter nonsense for the most part. We will dispell myth from fact. With that being said, It's almost impossible to have a bad reaction to it. Some people have dye reactions, but that's about it. There has been one case in the 9 years I've been here where a patient just could not tolerate anticoagulation. 1 case out of 6300 people.

You can get the best education at these two links:
A Few of our members did try Coumadin / Warfarin for awhile before surgery with a prescription from one of their Doctors just to see if they had a reaction.

Most Doctors don't follow / endorse this practice for a number of reasons, but some said: "Sure, why not."

One of the reasons against such a trial is that it can sometimes take several weeks for a patient to find the 'stable dose' and they will need to be monitored (i.e. tested) closely in those first few weeks. Insurance coverage of the testing and monitoring may become an issue.

'AL Capshaw'
I know this may sound crazy but I am still trying to decide what kind of valve to get. I am pre-surgery. I have been reading a lot of stories about bad effects. Does anyone think that it would be beneficial to try taking this before surgery to see my reaction??

You need to read BETWEEN lines of "a lot of stories about bad side effects". In my opinion most of the problems with coumadin/warfarin ACT are created by poor personal or professional management.
I have found the drug to be without side effects if it is taken correctly. The big deal with the drug is that YOU MUST DEVELOP A SIMPLE DISCIPLINE IN TAKING AND TESTING THE DRUG. People who cannot develop a disciplined regimen will almost certainly have problems with this drug:(.
I wonder how long it will take FOR THE BLOOD TO COAGULATE BEFORE SURGERY. not a bad idea though if you are having the surgery a few months from now.
I know a lot may criticize my post.
Witzkey man!!!

Witzkey man!!!

I can not criticize your post and I doubt that anyone else can either.

I can't even understand what the heck you are trying to say?

IMHO, trying Coumadin prior to surgery would be a waste of time and not prove anything.

Again, IMHO, there are a lot of other factors that are more important in valve selection.

In my case, reducing the probability of repeat surgeries was the primary factor in selecting a mechanical valve. I got through my AVR with relative ease, but getting my sternum sawed open isn't necessary something I would look forward to doing again.

In eight years only I've had one complication from being on Coumadin and that was the result of a botched colonoscopy by a inept doctor, not caused by the Coumadin.

Alll the myths about Coumadin get a bit tiresome.

I shave with a razor, use hammers, saws, sharp knives, bust my knuckles working on my cars, crashed on my triathlon bike at 20mph, and have even had teeth pulled without any bleeding problems.

Is it just me or does it seem that the stories of the horrors of Coumadin seem come from people who aren't on it?

I would suspect that more folks stroke out from not taking their Coumadin than bleed to death from taking it.

Mark I gotta ask because I have yet to open the hood on my car without busting my hands all up, do you have the same luck? :D
I wonder how long it will take FOR THE BLOOD TO COAGULATE BEFORE SURGERY. not a bad idea though if you are having the surgery a few months from now.
I know a lot may criticize my post.

Having your blood coagulate before surgery would make the surgery a bit unnecessary since you'd be dead...;)

Seriously, you do understand that your blood still coagulates even when you're on Coumadin - it just takes it a bit longer to do so?

If you're asking how long it would take for Coumadin to work out of your system once you stop taking it - about three days. A simple INR check would verify that.

Is it just me or does it seem that the stories of the horrors of Coumadin seem come from people who aren't on it?

I would suspect that more folks stroke out from not taking their Coumadin than bleed to death from taking it.

Mark, I fully believe that!

My life style never changed from being on Coumadin, just as many cuts as before.

The worse bleeding I've had since I been on Coumadin was in December when my INR got up to 5.3... so happen, I bite the end of my tongue right after. :eek: ;)
The worse bleeding I've had since I been on Coumadin was in December when my INR got up to 5.3... so happen, I bite the end of my tongue right after. :eek: ;)

Didn't your momma teach you not to leave your tongue hanging out of your mouth? :D

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